Books by Dr. Otive Igbuzor

Dr. Otive Igbu­zor is a Phar­ma­cist, Human Rights Activist, Pol­icy Ana­lyst, Devel­op­ment Expert, and a world renowned author who is a reader’s delight. His authored works are always enchant­ing, inter­est­ing and yet very impact­ful. His books have been instru­men­tal to build­ing a new breed of lead­ers capa­ble of advanc­ing Africa out of the woods of socio-economic and polit­i­cal deca­dence. He remains a role model, a bea­con of hope, a scion of Truth, an emblem of integrity and an incon­tro­vert­ible guid­ing light to African Lead­ers. Burn­ing with a pas­sion to see Africa attain her full poten­tial, he has built a strat­egy to take Africa to her pride of place in the comity of nations. The African Cen­tre for Lead­er­ship, Strat­egy and Devel­op­ment was birthed as a result of his unwa­ver­ing pas­sion for the devel­op­ment of the African con­ti­nent. A fer­vid advo­cate of knowl­edge and human capac­ity build­ing, Dr. Igbu­zor has authored sev­eral notable books among which are: Chal­lenges of Devel­op­ment in Nige­ria, Over­com­ing the Chal­lenges of Trans­for­ma­tion in Nige­ria, Alter­na­tive Devel­op­ment Strat­egy for Nige­ria, Polit­i­cal Suc­ces­sion in Nige­ria, National Secu­rity and Polic­ing in Nige­ria among others.