Our First Homestead

Our family of 4 moved from a large city to a cattle ranch in a small town. Join us as we rehab a home, discover new hobbies, and adjust to country living. Reflecting back on the first year I am proud to say that not only have we survived but we have thrived in our new lifestyle. Our transition was met with challenges, and many obstacles, however, we have also experienced a true joy living a country life style. On this page Our First Homestead I will discuss our experiences of our total rehab of our home, the new hobbies we have living in the country, and lastly true country living. Join us as we learn about home remodeling, gardening, life in the country, and exciting hobbies. Growing up in Los Angeles, California in a city of several million and now living in a small town of less than 290 where the cows outnumber the people will produce some exciting stories. Stay tuned.