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The case for increasing the number of professional group exercise to Punjabi (a.k.a bhangra) instructors

Physical fitness has always been a crucial aspect of human life. However, with the rise of obesity, it has become more important than ever to encourage people to adopt an active lifestyle. One way to do this is through group exercise to music, of which I specialise in using Punjabi music, also known as bhangra.

Professional group exercise instructors who are qualified to teach Punjabi dance can play a vital role in promoting health and fitness while reducing the risk of injuries that may lead to litigation. There are next-to-no such professional exercise instructors.

Punjabi music has a unique charm that makes it a great choice for group exercise classes. The upbeat and rhythmic nature of Punjabi music can motivate people to move and sweat, making it an effective way to improve overall health. When done in a group setting, this type of exercise can be even more enjoyable, making it easier for people to stick to their fitness goals.

Having professional group exercise instructors who specialize in Punjabi music can ensure that participants are receiving quality instruction. These instructors have received proper training and have the necessary skills and experience to lead safe and effective classes. They can teach participants proper form and technique, which can reduce the risk of injuries and litigation.

In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of cases of litigation and I feel that all dance teachers should take extra care when promoting their class's purpose for improving fitness, without the necessary qualification, insurance and licence.

Promoting physical fitness through professional group exercise to Punjabi music instructors can have a positive impact on the world as a whole. By encouraging people to adopt healthy habits, we can reduce the burden on healthcare systems and increase productivity. Additionally, a healthier population can lead to a more vibrant and active society, with fewer cases of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease.

In conclusion, the world needs more professional group exercise to Punjabi music instructors to promote health and fitness while reducing the risk of injuries and litigation. With the rise of obesity and chronic diseases, it is more important than ever to encourage people to adopt healthy habits. By providing quality instruction in a fun and engaging way, we can help people achieve their fitness goals while reducing the risk of injury. Let's embrace the power of Punjabi music and professional group exercise instruction to create a healthier world for all.