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What do they mean, Chori Chori Takna, Oh Ho Ho Ho and Speaker?

Song 1

Hey Punjabi music lovers I've got this fantastic idea for a song. Tell me what you think. The lyrics go of something like this in English. Stolen. Stolen. In a secret way. You're looking at me. Stolen. Stolen, a secret way. You're looking at me and your attitude. The way you're looking at me in this sly away is killing me and my friends.

Oh, I think somebody's already come up with this. Check it out.

Song 2

Hey, Punjabi, music lovers. I've got an idea for a song. Hear me out and then if you like it or I've got any suggestions, leave a. So in English, the words are something like this. I will not be able to stop thinking about your sweet talking. For even one moment. I will not be able to stop the sadness that is causing the heavy rain in my eyes.

We're gonna make this a dance number. Let me just say that again. I will not be able to stop thinking about your sweet talking for even one moment. I will not be able to stop the sadness that is causing the heavy rate in. We're gonna make it a dance number, and then we're gonna have a little catchy tune on there, and then we're gonna sing the feelings I have for you, make me feel really unsettled.

Oh, it's already being done. Let's work out to it sometime. Check it out.

Song 3

Punjabi music lovers. I've got an idea for a song. Tell me what you think. Leave a comment. So it's something like this in English. My eyes keep looking for you, and I'm gonna go to the speaker and I'm gonna shout from the speaker, almost like the rooftop, how much I love you. So I'm gonna go to the speaker.

I'm gonna shout from the speaker how much I love you. What do you mean? People don't shout from a speaker? They shout from a microphone. There is a problem with that lyric. Oh, but it's already been done. Checking out, let's exercise to it sometimes.

The best Punjabi music for group exercise, and motivation to keep moving.

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