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About the Practitioner

I am the founder of Sacred Melanin, a nurturing village that acts as a bridge, connecting the realms of Afrikan holistic health, birthwork, and sustainable living. At the heart of this village is my Wadj Per Ankh practice, a guiding philosophy that informs the harmonious approach I bring to assisting mothers and families during the crucial postpartum period.

Sacred Melanin seeks to seamlessly weave together birth work, sustainable living, and Afrikan holistic health, forming a comprehensive and culturally grounded approach to childbirth and overall well-being. Through my Wadj Per Ankh practice, especially applied in the delicate task of assisting mothers and families with nursery decoration and home organization during the postpartum period, I aim to instill a sense of harmony, balance, and cultural richness.

This holistic integration not only draws inspiration from ancestral wisdom but also embodies environmental stewardship, promoting sustainable choices and overall health within our community. By infusing the principles of Wadj Per Ankh into the process of nurturing and organizing spaces for new life, I aspire to create environments that honor tradition, celebrate wellness, and embody the spirit of the Sacred Melanin village.

Photo by Color Crescent on Unsplash

What is Wadj Per Ankh?

In Ancient Kemet, "Pher Ankh" represented the concept of "House of Life" and referred to centers of knowledge, education, and healing. These institutions were dedicated to the preservation and dissemination of wisdom, encompassing various disciplines such as medicine, science, and spirituality. Similarly, my practice of "Wadj Per Ankh" draws inspiration from this ancient concept but adapts it to modern modalities. It signifies the creation of a "Green House of Life," emphasizing wholistic well-being, wise living, and harmony through conscious living practices that integrate ancestral wisdom, eco-conscious choices, and a balanced lifestyle. While the ancient Pher Ankh focused on diverse areas of knowledge, my Wadj Per Ankh practice specifically centers on promoting a harmonious and sustainable way of life that incorporates Afrikan holistic health principles.