Tricia Mitchell

Modern Day Shaman. Youngest of 6 kids. Master Coach & Trainer in mBraining. Labrador Lover. Clairvoyant (clear seeing) Healer. Business Veteran (18 years). Clairsentient (sensing). Former Sign Language Interpreter (15 years). Claircognisant (knowing). Shoehorned life experiences into early years. Likes chocolate. Felt "Successful but something's missing" Liked a drink. Careered towards a catalytic midlife meltdown. Felt crap. Finally saw patterns in life. Felt hopeful. Retrained. Changed patterns. Feel marvellous. As a coach, consultant, energy therapist & trainer, I share what I've learned with others, to help them become aware of the patterns in their lives and how it's possible to change them. I work with Divine energies to channel accelerated healing. Today, I'm healthier, happier, I've healed and forgiven myself, and others. I'm a fan of simplifying life, wherever possible.