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About Me

Charles Dixon, A native of the Washington DC area, is a man of both many talents and passions. Charles, is a natural entrepreneur and absolute idealist who has given birth to many creative works and businesses.

He’s a father, and also the youngest of 6 siblings. By day, Charles manages a multi-million-dollar portfolio of patents and trademarks for a top tier organization with a rich history of over 150 years, where he serves as the Global Head of IP Operations.

Also, much like in true Charles fashion, he keeps his hands in several exciting ventures and exploits ranging from IT Consulting, interior design, radio broadcasting.

Charles loves people and aims to help them reach their potential, dreams, goals and inspirations. He is a certified life coach at his business, “A Bridge Over Life Coaching Services®”. Charles is a gifted writer, and is also the owner of Unique Perspective Love Talk Radio® which is based out of Chicago, IL.

Charles is also a gifted singer, songwriter and recording artist under the name “Da Liberal Soul®”, with over 8 recorded albums to his credit.

Follow Charles Dixon on social media to keep updated!

Twitter: @charles_dixon3; @UpltrRadio,

Instagram: iamcharlesdixon
