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AI Trade Reporter Instruction Manual

AI Trade Reporter for cTrader: Instruction Manual


The AI Trade Reporter is a Chat bot developed for the cTrader platform. Its primary functions are:

  1. ChatGPT Integration: Users can interact with ChatGPT, to ask specific questions about their trades, request summaries, or gain insights into trading patterns.
  2. Trade Logging: During backtesting, the AI Trade Reporter records every trade detail, ensuring a comprehensive log is maintained.
  3. Performance Summary: The chat bot generates a summary file that aggregates performance metrics across all trades, providing an overview of the strategy's effectiveness.


  • Platform Version: cTrader 4.7 or newer.
  • Framework: .NET 6.
  • Permissions: Full permissions are necessary for the chat bot to read and write its log files.
  • License Key: The key you'll receive when you download it.
  • API Key: An OpenAI API key is required to interact with ChatGPT. Obtaining one is described below.

There are fees associated with using OpenAI ChatGPT and they are explained here.

AI Trade Reporter show's approximately how much each report costs you.

For Example:-

Tokens Used:

Total = 1286, Prompt = 948, Completion = 338

Estimated Openai Cost = $0.0021


  • Obtaining the OpenAI API Key:
  • To interact with ChatGPT, you'll need an OpenAI API key.
  • Visit the OpenAI official website.
  • Sign up or log in to your account.
  • Navigate to the API section to generate your unique API key.
  • Keep this key safe; you'll need it to set up the AI Trade Reporter.
  • Purchasing the AI Trade Reporter:
  • To get your hands on the AI Trade Reporter indicator, head over to the AI Trade Reporter webpage
  • Browse through the available plans and select the one that suits your needs.
  • After purchasing, you'll receive the .calgo file and license key for the indicator.
  • Installing the Indicator:
  • Once you've received the .calgo file, double-click on it to install into you cTrader platform.
  • Accept that it needs full permissions.


Once the AI Trade Reporter is installed, add your preferences and keys on startup.

  • File Directory:
  • Where you would like the files that get written .
  • You can select a specific folder for this purpose or stick with the default location displayed.
  • Panel Display:
  • Decide where you'd like the AI Trade Reporter's panel to appear on your chart.
  • OpenAI API Key:
  • Enter the OpenAI API key you obtained earlier.
  • License Key:
  • You should have received a license key in the email sent to you after purchasing the AI Trade Reporter.
  • Enter this key to activate AI Trade Reporter.
  • If you've misplaced the email you can use the contact form to ask for the email to be re-sent.


1. Panel Interface:

The AI Trade Reporter panel is displayed directly on your chart. Here's a breakdown of what it does:

  • 'Record New Trades' Button (Green):
  • Click this button to record new trades during your backtesting session.
  • It works whether the backtest is running, paused, or stopped.
  • The only requirement is that at least one trade must have completed.
  • Clicking it multiple times without new completed trades won't have any effect except provide an alert that no more trades have taken place yet.
  • 'Select Data File for the AI Report' Dropdown:
  • If no trades have closed yet, you'll see 'No File Exists'. This means the 'Record New Trades' button hasn't recorded any new trades yet and there is no point trying to click the 'AI Report' button.
  • When the dropdown says 'Both files' (a result of 'Record New Trades' having recorded the result of a trade), it means the AI Trade Reporter will use both the 'Individual Trades' file and the 'Trades Summary' file when communicating with ChatGPT.
  • The option to select between files is provided because sometimes the Individual Trades file can be too large for the prompt sent to ChatGPT. If that's the case, you can opt to send only the Trades Summary file, allowing ChatGPT to still provide its report and assessment.
  • 'AI Report' Button (Grey):
  • Clicking this button opens up the chat interface. This enables you to communicate with ChatGPT about the trades from your backtesting session.

2. Chat Interface:

The chat interface is your direct line of communication with ChatGPT. Here's a breakdown of its components and functionalities:

  • Folder Selector:
  • This displays the directory where the files will be written.
  • The initial value is based on what you entered when starting the indicator, with additional directories added below. While you can modify this, it's recommended to leave it at the default. This ensures all logs are organized and easily accessible.
  • Once backtesting starts, the AI Trade Reporter creates a folder named "Run_1". Each new backtesting session increments this, e.g., "Run_2", making it easy to differentiate between sessions.
  • Main Chat Display:
  • This is where ChatGPT's responses appear. Please see below as this is where all the magic happens.
  • Prompt:
  • To quickly get a report, hit the 'Send' button with the default prompt.
  • Alternatively, you can customize the prompt. Whether you're asking about specific trades, times, or amounts, ChatGPT will assess the data from the written files. You can interact with ChatGPT even during an ongoing backtesting session.
  • Temperature Field:
  • Adjusting the temperature affects ChatGPT's responses. Lowering the temperature can make ChatGPT's responses more accurate and concise. Raising the temperature can allow ChatGPT a bit more freedom with it's responses, more creative if you like. You could have ChatGPT write you a poem about your trades and or trading prowess etc.
  • The temperature changes can be subtle and open to conjecture, but it does have an affect.
  • GPT Versions Field:
  • It is possible to select gpt-3.5-turbo, gpt-3.5-turbo-16k and gpt-4. All these perform differently and are costed by openai accordingly.
  • gpt-4... 8k token limit, is the best, costs the most, isn't available to everyone, and can be a bit 'chatty'. and when we're paying for the amount of tokens used, can be not the most ideal.
  • gpt-3.5-turbo... 4k token limit, quickest, least expensive, most succinct (ideal when we just want facts), has the least amount of tokens that can be sent to openai, so not ideal when we are starting to get big trading files.
  • gpt-3.5-turbo-16k, pretty much exactly the same as gpt-3.5-turbo except has 4x the token limit at only double the cost of gpt-3.5-turbo, yet still cheaper than gpt-4. Good for when we've hit our token limit because of a large 'Individual Trades' file.
  • Response Tokens Field:
  • The default here is 500, but this can be raised or lowered as needed. If you want a long and wofty response you can increase this... just remember that the token limit is for the Request as well as the Response from ChatGpt. If you're just exceeding your token limit by a little margin lowering this can help fit it all in. Even down to 200 can still provide a decent report. At some point though, you'll notice the report will start to get cut off if set too low.

3. Response Field (cont.):

The response field is where you'll see ChatGPT's insights and feedback on your trades. Here's a deeper dive into its functionalities:

  • Token Summary:
  • Below each chat response, there's a breakdown of the tokens used. This includes the total tokens, tokens for the prompt, and tokens for the completion.
  • Alongside the token count, you'll see the cost associated with the selected GPT version. This can help you keep track of your usage and expenses.
  • File Paths:
  • Under the token summary, you'll find the file paths used by the AI Trade Reporter to record the data.
  • Each path is clickable:
  • Clicking on the CSV file paths will open the respective file in your default CSV viewer.
  • Clicking on the folder link provides direct access to the directory, making it easy to navigate and find specific files.
  • The special file, named the "AI Reports file", is the heart of the AI Trade Reporter. This file logs all interactions with ChatGPT, capturing both prompts and responses throughout the backtesting session.
  • AI Reports File:
  • This file is a goldmine. It contains a record of ALL interactions you've had with ChatGPT during your backtesting session. Whether you're looking to revisit a specific insight or reflect on a piece of advice, this file has it.
  • The beauty of the AI Trade Reporter is its ability to provide you with not just your backtesting trading history but also a comprehensive record of ChatGPT's feedback. This dual archive ensures you have all the information you need to refine your strategies and grow as a trader.

4. cTrader Logs:

Keep an eye out in the 'Log' tab while you are doing your backtesting. If you sort the Log by 'Time Descending' you will see exactly what is happening when you 'Record New Trades'. This also gives you an update on how much time is left on your current license.


While the AI Trade Reporter is designed to be user-friendly and efficient, you might encounter some hiccups along the way. Here's a guide to navigate through common issues:

  • 'Aborted Timeout' Error:
  • Issue: Occasionally, while communicating with ChatGPT, you might face an 'aborted timeout' error.
  • Solution: If this happens, you'll need to restart the backtesting. However, the data from the timed-out session remains in its directory. You can set AI Trade Reporter to use that folder to continue interacting with ChatGPT about the trades in it. Remember to pause the current session when switching back to the previous folder to avoid mixing old and new data. Once done, you can switch back to the new folder to continue your session.
  • Re-entering Keys:
  • Issue: Each time you start the AI Trade Reporter from scratch, you'll need to re-enter the OpenAI API key and the license key.
  • Solution: While this is a necessary step for security reasons, you don't have to re-enter the keys between different backtesting runs. Just ensure you keep the keys handy.
  • Multiple Instances:
  • Issue: Running the AI Trade Reporter on different symbols or cBots simultaneously can cause conflicts.
  • Solution: It's recommended to run only one instance of the AI Trade Reporter at a time. If two instances are running and neither has detected a completed trade, they might try to use the same folder, leading to data corruption and race conditions.
  • File Access During Backtesting:
  • Issue: If you're reading a file while backtesting is ongoing, certain trades might not get recorded.
  • Solution: Always pause the current run before opening files. Close any open files related to the AI Trade Reporter before hitting 'Record New Trades'. This ensures that the chat bot can write data without any interruptions.
  • Cannot access a disposed object:
  • Issue: If you click 'Send' in the Chat Interface an error appears, 'Cannot access a disposed object'.
  • Cause: Having navigated away from your backtesting session and clicked on 'Send' in the Chat Interface.
  • Solution: Close the Chat Interface and navigate back to your backtest and re-lauch AI Trade Reporter from there.

Updates and Support:

  • Contact Form:
  • Until an interactive support area is up and running, please use the contact form on the website to reach out with any questions, concerns, or feedback. I'll try to respond promptly.
  • Updates:
  • The AI Trade Reporter is a living chat bot, and I'm always working on improvements and new features.
  • Depending on the package you've purchased, updates will be provided as they become available.

In essence, the AI Trade Reporter has been built to be a comprehensive trading training companion. It offers fast, real-time AI insights and reports, maintains a detailed log of your trades for instant querying, and aims to harness the power of AI to help us ALL become more proficient traders.

Enjoy :)