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How to channel the energy of earth to increase wealth

The cosmos has a way of influencing our lives in ways we cannot imagine. Our zodiac signs and birth charts hold the key to understanding our cosmic duties and how we can achieve material abundance on the material plane of life. When it comes to earth signs, which include Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo, their cosmic mission is to obtain material abundance and become grounded within themselves.

Earth signs are usually the quickest to obtain material resources in this life because their "cosmic duty" is more direct, and blatant. Saturn, which rules Capricorn, brings discipline, while Mercury, which rules Virgo, rules over communication and networking. Venus, which rules Taurus, brings balance, and with balance comes order. These three key themes are essential to obtaining wealth/material resources, as balance, order, and communication/networking are critical factors.

While not all people born under earth signs are millionaires, most millionaires have multiple earth sign placements in their birth charts. Having earth placements makes it easier to obtain material resources because people with these placements are naturally aligned with the concept of it in the sense that, they have the container to hold it, manage it, and grow it. Again, earth signs represent grounding, security, stability, etc. So naturally, when it comes to these areas in life they will place it on a higher pedestal than most because it is apart of their cosmic destiny/duty in this life.

In addition to earth sign placements, another way to attract wealth is by utilizing your Jupiter placement and combining it with your North Node. Your North Node represents your destiny and what you need to work on in this lifetime, while Jupiter represents expansion, growth, and abundance.

To channel the energy of earth and attract wealth, create a schedule, and pick two hobbies. One should help you build a skill, and the other should be something you enjoy that you can monetize. The hobby that helps you build a skill will benefit you in the long run because you can teach it, and it will grant you an extra stream of income. The other hobby that you enjoy will be a blessing in disguise because you're monetizing something that brings you joy, and it won't feel like work at all.

Consistency is key, and if you do something every day, it becomes a habit. If your habits are healthy, you will succeed, and success will become second nature. Creating balance in your life by being resilient and planting seeds is also important. Earth placements are known to withstand hardships and sacrifice elements of their lives until they obtain what they desire. This is where the schedule and consistency come in. They are consistent in what they do, no matter what, and they rarely take breaks because of their discipline (depending on their chart).

In conclusion, while astrology is not the only determining factor of wealth, it can provide insight into how to attract abundance in our lives. Earth sign placements and utilizing Jupiter and North Node placements can help channel the energy of earth and attract wealth. Remember that consistency and resilience are key, and by balancing our lives, we can achieve material abundance and become grounded within ourselves.