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Notes from Adaptive Communities : Mood Boards

On a simple way of creating a meaningful mood board

Have you ever heard of maxims?

Maxims are short rules for you to follow or reflect upon.

We are going to create a mood board based on these maxims written on AI generated posters.

Maxims are short rules for you to follow or reflect upon.

Marcus Aurelius used to write notes to himself to reflect upon, these notes are maxims; moral code or rules that he had to follow. One of the things we have to make a habit of is note taking. Maxims are some of the best notes to take. Take notes of short simple rules, like quotes to yourself . we can create our maxims and incorporate them in a mood board.

Think of your meditation inspired mood board as your wall and your notes as image posters on that wall. Something you would look at from time to time.

These images on your mood board can be AI generated. I am using bing image creator. The best AI generated Images can be curated using our template. check out the shop for that

I used adobe express to edit the images and add some quotes I picked up on reading some stoicism. you can also use Canva, it depends on what you like.

That's it folks, that's a mood board worth looking at everytime you visit your Life Hub.