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Notes from Adaptive Communities : The Age of Creators

The Age of Creators

It’s a great time to be a “crafty”. we are a looking at the age of the creator, the time of the artist. What are you doing with this amazing time of yours? And this statement is uniquely directed towards the age of generative AI Artist

The New Artist

We are about to see new forms of artist and creators with a unique sense of creativity and the accompanying art. We have tools in AI that can turn a poet Into a published visual artist with a comprehensive portfolio. The diversity of the available generative AI tools enables this transcendence like nothing else.

Here Comes The Pro…

But here comes the problems. How many tools are really out there? What can they actually do? How much do they cost? What can I actually do with these tools as a creator?

My Experience

I’ve been there, done that, and have a little portfolio to show for it. It’s hectic, time consuming and down right unproductive. if I had to do it again I wouldn’t .

But who are we?

But I’ll do it again. Create again? Yes. I like what I saw, what I did. You will too. But this time I have a secret weapon. A Notion Creators OS template specifically optimized for NFT/ AI Art and other AI generated visual creations.

Everyone Creates

If you haven’t, It’s time for you to join the greater journey that is creation. You have the tools so put out your AI Art portfolio. For yourself or your community. you decide.

At Adaptive Communities we believe creativity and creation is the true meaning of being alive. So let there be More creation of beauty and art.

See you next time creators.