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What are Morphic Fields and Its Power on Subconscious Mind


In this article i will discuss the concept of morphic fields, morphic resonance, effect of morphic fields on the subconscious and relationship between morphic fields and quantum physics.

Morphic fields are a concept introduced by the biologist and philosopher Rupert Sheldrake, which describes the idea that there is a type of field that is responsible for organizing the patterns of form and behavior of living organisms. According to Sheldrake, these fields are responsible for the phenomenon of morphogenesis, which is the process by which living organisms develop their form and structure. While this idea has been criticized by many in the scientific community, it has also gained support from those who see it as a way of explaining certain spiritual and mystical phenomena. In this blog, we will explore the concept of morphic fields and their effect on the subconscious.

The Concept of Morphic Fields

Morphic fields are a type of field that is believed to be responsible for organizing the patterns of form and behavior of living organisms. According to Sheldrake, these fields are responsible for the phenomenon of morphogenesis, which is the process by which living organisms develop their form and structure. He argues that morphic fields are not physical in nature, but rather are a type of non-physical information that is responsible for shaping the physical world.

For example, my spiritual teachers have suggested me that morphic fields could be responsible for the phenomenon of telepathy, or the ability to communicate with others through thought alone.

The Effect of Morphic Fields on the Subconscious

One of the most intriguing aspects i learned morphic fields is its potential impact on the subconscious. According to Sheldrake, morphic fields are responsible for shaping the behavior and patterns of living organisms, including humans. He argues that these fields can influence our subconscious minds in ways that we are not consciously aware of.

A way in which morphic fields influence the subconscious is through the morphic resonance. Morphic Resonance says that the more frequently a particular pattern of behavior or thought occurs, the more likely it is to be repeated in the future. For example, if a particular behavior is repeated frequently enough, it may become part of the collective consciousness and be passed down through generations.

According to morphic resonance, our actions could create a type of field that influences the behavior of others in the future, leading to a kind of cause-and-effect cycle that is similar to the concept of karma.

The Relationship between Morphic Fields and Quantum Physics

One of the most interesting aspects of the concept of morphic fields is its relationship to quantum physics. While the concept of morphic fields is not a part of mainstream physics, there are some parallels between the two fields of the study.

One of the most significant similarities between morphic fields and quantum physics is that both fields are non-local. In quantum physics, particles can be connected in ways that do not depend on their proximity to one another. Similarly, morphic fields can be transmitted through non-physical means, such as through the collective consciousness of a group of people.

Another similarity between the two fields is the entanglement. In both quantum physics and morphic field theory, particles can become connected in ways that make their behavior dependent on each other, even when they are separated by great distances. All beings are in a constant state of vibration, or oscillation, and that their behavior is determined by the patterns of these oscillations.

This is where the morphic fields audio recordings comes in. If particles are constantly vibrating, it stands to reason that they are also constantly interacting with other particles, and that these interactions are shaped by the patterns of their vibrations.

Everything in the universe is connected at a fundamental level, and that the behavior of matter and energy is shaped by the patterns of their interactions. The patterns in morphic fields may be the result of the interactions between particles, both within individual organisms and across the wider universe.

This is now everything for this article, i will give the most of my knowledge i could so you could ultimately get a deeper understanding of the nature and reality itself.