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Just a Chat

Hi everyone,

I am still trying to get more products in here. I'm still finishing a Christmas Kit called Christmas Magic. I just need to do the finishing touches and get the previews all made. I know it's a little late but I figure noone is making layouts until after the holidays anyways. LOL

I'm also going to get my Mardi Gras kit in here along with some of my Valentine's kits. Hopefully I can get some other random not holiday kits in here too. Just been having a little trouble getting caught up.

And as a plus I am making my stuff here cheaper than in my other two stores at Secret Garden Designs and Twisted Sisters Creatives. On here there are no fees taken out I don't believe so I can offer them cheaper. So that is quite a plus for you and for me.

And don't forget I have marked a lot of items free in the store. You just have to search for them. And I may change them out every now and then. So keep on checking.


And if you want to know what's going on with me I've been working but I am off for a few days for my Birthday on the 13th. However here in Tx the weather decided to be extremely cold for us. It'll be in the low 9 degrees to low 30's while I am off. I am not going anywhere. I am staying in with my puppies.

May be an image of dog

And It is also the anniversary of my husbands passing. He passed the day before my birthday and I buried him the day after my birthday. So I don't celebrate my birthday very much. I'm getting better. The hurt is always there but I'm dealing with it better. He was such a lively happy person. I miss him so much.

So here is a photo of him kayaking on the lake.

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