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Starting my New Store

I have been selling my creations at Secret Garden Designs and Twisted Sisters Creatives. While I love my 2 stores I always wanted to have one just as my own on my own. Now that I have found Payhip I think this is a start to something great, at least I hope so. I love creating kits and items and I love scrapping. So hopefully I can express everything I want here. So bare with me while I get it up and running.

I have been a designer for years now. I started out in a store called Scrap it Sassy and then went on to Wilma4ever and then actually owned it for a time before the site went down and I couldn't afford or had the know how to get it back up and running. And then I joined the stores that I am at now.

I have 3 very talented Ct members, Hummer Dawn aka Dawn, China Doll aka Vivian and Froggy Celine aka Celine. You will get to see all of their great work here and in the store. I am also hoping to bring freebies to the store. Ones you get with a purchase and regular small freebies.

On a personal not I am a widow going on 13 years now. I'm only 54. He was just my one true love. I had 3 beautiful puppies, Shaylee JoJo and Peanut, that I raised from babies. I lost two of them this year and the other a few years ago. I am very saddened and heart broken but they lived long fulfilled lives.

This is Shaylee.

Beautiful Shaylee.

She was born in 2004 and passed this year June 2023. She was 18 and passed peacefully in her sleep with me here with her. She loved to play ball and had a favorite pink ball she loved. Her favorite thing to do was swim. Man she loved to swim. I love my baby girl.

Then we had Jojo a year after Shaylee. Here is Jojo.

(They were all born to the same parents. Dad was a poodle and mom a full blood Llasa Apso.) JoJo was the sweetest puppy. He just wanted to be pet and to steal toys from the other dogs. He was a vegetable thief though. He loved veggies of all kinds. He was such a ham.

I wasn't going to get another dog but my husband passed away in 2010 of pneumonia/swine flu. He was only 36 years old. It took him in 4 days. He was the sweetest man or at least he was to me. And he loved me and that's all I needed. There will never be another one like him. His name was Jo or Jose. All his family and mine called him Jo. That's where Jojo's name came from. We tried Little Jo but Jojo stuck.

(Here's my husband holding Shaylee)

Jo with Shaylee

So after my husband passed away in January of 2010 around my birthday mind you I decided to get another puppy. So I got my precious Peanut. Man I love and miss my Peanut so much. He passed away this year 2023 on February 20th at 13 years old. I was at my Dads cabin on the lake and he was in the yard with my other dogs. It looked like he just laid down and fell asleep. No idea why. He was 13.

(here is a photo of Peanut)


He was my everything. He followed me everywhere. Wanted my attention constantly or at least wanted to watch me do whatever I was doing. He also loved to swim and play ball just like Shaylee.

Now I still have 2 beautiful puppies that I love just as much and adore. They are both rescues. I've had Roxie for 7 years now and Biscuit for 5. They are both yorkies. And man they don't like water at all or play with toys. They do love treats and going for walks. They are my life now and also my everything.

(here's a photo of Biscuit, Shaylee, Peanut and Roxie)

biscuit shaylee peanut roxie

I never got to have kids so that makes me just a dog mom, a daughter and a sister.

I am an aunt however with 2 nieces and 2 nephews who I love dearly.

River (6) Bodi (8) Olivia (10) and Ariana (18)

River Bodi Olivia Ari

So enough about me. I hope to see you all here. And I hope you all enjoy my creations.