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Redistribution Prohibited

You are strictly prohibited from redistributing, sharing, or disseminating any of my avatar packages in any form, whether modified or unmodified. This includes, but is not limited to, file transfers via email, cloud storage services, direct messaging, social media, forums, and any other digital or physical medium. Unauthorized redistribution is a direct violation of these terms and will result in immediate termination of your license, a permanent ban from future purchases, and potential legal action, including but not limited to claims for damages, injunctions, and attorney fees.

Personal Use Only

Avatars purchased from my store are exclusively intended for your personal, non-commercial use. You are not permitted to share, distribute, sublicense, lend, lease, or otherwise make the avatars accessible to others without obtaining explicit written consent from me. This includes, but is not limited to, making the avatars public in virtual worlds, sharing files with friends or family, or uploading them to shared drives. Any breach of this clause will result in the immediate revocation of your license and may subject you to legal consequences, including civil and criminal penalties.

No Unauthorized Uploads

You are strictly prohibited from uploading or transferring any avatars or assets purchased from my store to any third-party platforms, accounts, or services without prior written permission. Requests for permission must include comprehensive details, such as the VRC username, Discord information, platform details, and intended use. Unauthorized uploads or transfers will result in the immediate termination of your license, removal of the content from the unauthorized platform, and potential legal action. Additionally, you may be liable for any damages incurred as a result of unauthorized uploads.

Intellectual Property Rights

All avatars, assets, textures, and components provided by my store remain the exclusive intellectual property of the creator (me). You acknowledge and agree that you do not obtain any ownership rights through the purchase of these avatars. You are expressly forbidden from claiming any of my creations as your own, creating derivative works based on them, or using them as a basis for any commercial project without my explicit written consent. Any unauthorized use of my intellectual property will be pursued to the fullest extent of the law, including but not limited to DMCA takedown notices, legal claims for damages, and requests for injunctive relief.

No Asset Reuse

You are strictly forbidden from extracting, reusing, repurposing, or otherwise utilizing any parts, assets, textures, or components from my avatars for any purpose, whether personal, educational, or commercial. This includes, but is not limited to, using assets in other avatars, incorporating textures into new projects, or distributing components as standalone files. Any attempt to reuse my assets without explicit permission will be considered a breach of contract and may result in severe legal consequences, including claims for damages and requests for injunctive relief.

Price Splitting Prohibited

It is strictly prohibited to split the cost of any avatar package among multiple users, parties, or groups. Each user is required to purchase their own individual copy of the avatars, and any attempt to share the financial burden of purchasing avatars will be considered a violation of these terms. Violations may result in the immediate revocation of your license, a permanent ban from future purchases, and potential legal consequences, including claims for damages.

No Refunds

All sales are final, non-refundable, and non-reversible. By making a purchase, you acknowledge that you have carefully reviewed all product details, including descriptions, images, and any other relevant information provided on the store page. You accept full responsibility for your purchase decision and understand that no exceptions will be made to this policy. Refund requests, chargebacks, or payment disputes will be contested to the fullest extent possible, and may result in the termination of your license and a permanent ban from future purchases.

Usage Permissions

While you are prohibited from redistributing or claiming ownership of the avatars, you are granted permission to use the avatars for personal content creation, including streaming, video production, social media posts, and other forms of non-commercial creative expression. However, you must provide proper credit in all public uses, including mentioning my Discord handle and providing a direct link to my store in the description or credits of your content. Failure to provide proper credit will result in the termination of your license, removal of your content from public platforms, and potential legal action.

Legal Compliance

By purchasing and using any of my models or assets, you agree to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines, including but not limited to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Any breach of these terms, including unauthorized distribution, misuse, or intellectual property infringement, may result in legal action, including claims for damages, injunctions, and attorney fees. You further agree to indemnify and hold me harmless from any legal claims or damages resulting from your use or misuse of the avatars.

Modification Rights

You are granted limited rights to modify the avatars to suit your personal preferences and creative vision. However, these modifications must remain private and cannot be shared, distributed, or reused in any other projects or contexts. This prohibition includes, but is not limited to, sharing modified versions of the avatars with others, uploading modified avatars to public platforms, or using modified components in other projects. Any breach of this clause will result in the immediate termination of your license and may subject you to legal consequences, including claims for damages and requests for injunctive relief.

Responsibility for Usage

You are solely responsible for any and all consequences arising from the use or misuse of the avatars purchased from my store. This includes, but is not limited to, any legal claims, damages, or liabilities resulting from unauthorized distribution, intellectual property infringement, or other violations of these terms. I (the creator) assume no liability for any unauthorized actions taken by users and reserve the right to pursue legal action against any user who violates these terms. Any misuse will result in the immediate termination of your license, a permanent ban from future purchases, and potential legal consequences.

Termination of License

I reserve the right to revoke, terminate, or modify your license to use any avatars or assets purchased from my store at any time, for any reason, including but not limited to violations of these terms, misuse of the avatars, or any behavior deemed inappropriate by the creator. Upon termination, you must immediately cease all use of the avatars, delete any copies in your possession, and refrain from further distribution or modification. Failure to comply with the termination of your license may result in legal action, including claims for damages and requests for injunctive relief.

Confidentiality and Privacy

You are required to maintain the confidentiality of any personal communication, agreements, or discussions with the creator. This includes, but is not limited to, purchase details, support interactions, and any other private information shared during the purchase process. Disclosure of any confidential information without explicit permission is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action, including claims for damages and requests for injunctive relief.

Reporting Violations

If you become aware of any violation of these terms, including unauthorized distribution, misuse, or intellectual property infringement, you are required to report it immediately. Failure to report known violations may result in the termination of your license and potential legal consequences. Reports can be made directly to me via Discord or through the contact information provided on my store page.

Updates to Terms

These terms may be updated, revised, or modified at any time without prior notice. It is your responsibility to regularly review these terms to ensure compliance with any changes. Continued use of the avatars following any updates to the terms constitutes your acceptance of the new terms. If you do not agree with any changes to the terms, you must immediately cease all use of the avatars and request a termination of your license.