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Destiny 2 design Pt.6

Void-themed Destiny 2 wallpapers for separate clients featuring the Dreaming City and a Pyramid interior space.

Both illustrations consist of a purpule theme to reflect the subclass while establishing the foundation based on it.

Destiny 2 design Pt.4

The left wallpaper design highlights the elevator sequence from Deep Stone Crypt, featuring Europa in the background.

The right wallpaper design highlights the Tower from Destiny 1, featuring the guardian sigil with the Traveler.

Destiny 2 design Pt.5

Time to bring in the heat! This time featuring Cabal interiors and Vow of the Disciple as themes of the commissions.

Both commissions highlight the aggressive and vibrant nature of the Solar Subclass.

Halo Reach

My first Halo-based wallpaper commission with goals to highlight a custom Halo Reach Spartan featuring the Lone-wolf traits as seen in Master Cheif and Noble 6.

Featuring a night-time setting, focused heavity on the lighting and mood of the composition.

Lady Maria, Bloodborne

As a huge fan of Souls-like video games and Fromsoft, nothing comes close to the dark gothic world of Bloodborne.

Two versions were created, featuring the classic clocktower, and a unique "Red" version I proposed late into the commission.

Warhammer Fantasy

My first ever Warhammer commission, highlighting the Northern Star and the ten Elven kingdoms. I was asked to create something minimalist yet elegant for a wallpaper.

Balancing the ten flags was indeed a challenge. I had to come up with the style above to structure them evenly.

Destiny 2 designs Pt.3

The left wallpaper design features the Iron Lords from Destiny and their dark fantasy aesthetics of snowy castles.

The right wallpaper design shifted directions toward Egyptian architecture, featuring the Pyramids, warm sunsets, and Palm trees.

Destiny 2 designs Pt.2

The left wallpaper design was heavily inspired by the Dreaming City in Destiny 2, highlighting the astral projections present on the main items.

The right wallpaper was inspired by the Vex structures and armor, with a tint of warm colors to highlight the client's request.

Destiny 2 designs Pt.1

These Destiny 2 commissions were specifically designed to demonstrate the client's core elements in the world of Destiny, while being visually appealing & functional as wallpapers.

They were specifically crafted to display their guardian and their notable feats in weapon kills and titles.

King in Yellow

It's not every day you are asked to draw your favorite cosmic horror entity, The King in Yellow. The end results are based on the description provided for the composition.

In my opinion, the Illustration achieved its goal of being enigmatic, captivating, and evoking a desire for more information.

Atraxa from MTG

Thomas Caldwell approached me for a mobile commission featuring Atraxa, he wanted the wallpaper in 2 styles, one signature muted-ink version, and another colored version featuring the beautiful metallic Mycosynth Gardens.

Overall Both Thomas and I were very pleased with the results.

Kindred from LoL

There are times when I’m reached out to illustrate for games I’ve never played, Matt commissioned me for Kindred, from League of Legends and in the process I was asked to watch “Still Here” a trailer that hyped me up for this commission tenfold. 

At the end the commission turned out magnificently and Matt was super happy with it.