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Baby Belle/Kurumu

I love to create things. I am cheese.

Cheese is Love, Cheese is Life. All hail the Queen Cheese 🧀

In all seriousness 👀 I am Kurumu, formerly known as Kurumu Designs. I am known for my love of Cheese.

Throughout my journey, from getting my Computer Games Design Extended Diploma in college, I’ve had the great fortune to work on some truly inspiring projects, while meeting many influential and creative individuals along the way. I believe in working together to create a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts.

I have a have a o̶b̶s̶e̶s̶s̶i̶o̶n̶ healthy love for Cheese. 

I enjoy what I do and I hope that you will take this step with me into furthering my journey into become a 3D modeller for Computer Games.

I'm not perfect and I am still learning to perfect my skills so there may be faults that I did not see, please don't be disrespectful, I will update as and when I can if any issues arise. 

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