15% discount to the first 5 customers! Use the code "jestercat"
Something broke or isn't working? DM me at bearlytrap (Beartrap#0321) <3
Unity Packages for Unity 2022.3.22f1
Uses VRCSDK Creator Companion (2.2.5)
Uses Poiyomi Toon Ver 9.0.57 (Free Version)
NOTE: You need to install the packages in the (ADD BEFORE AVATAR PACKAGE) folder before you install the avatar package itself. All is included in the folder.
✧ F E A T U R E S ✧
⫸ 3.0 Avatar
⫸ Body Options (Skin Color, Eye Color, Species and Body Shape Sliders)
⫸ Hair Options (Hue Sliders, Hair Style and Hair Color)
⫸ Outfit Options (Toggles and Hue Sliders)
⫸ Party the Balloon Dog Follower!
⫸ GoGo Locomotion
⫸ VRLabs Marker
⫸ PhysBones/Colliders
->-> R U L E S <-<-
➳ Do not resell/redistribute this package or anything in this package. This includes putting it in a public world or making it a public avatar!
➳ Do not take parts/assets from this model. Please DM me if you need links to certain assets, I am more than happy to provide links/information!
➳ Do not take credit for this avatar. I put quite a bit of time into this avatar and I would love to be credited properly.
➳ Do not use this avatar for any type of hate speech and/or harmful content.
➳ You may use this avatar to stream with, however, please do not make merchandise of this avatar.
->-> C R E D I T S <-<-
Check out these creator's pages and consider purchasing from them!
(Something wrong/not working with credits? DM me at bearlytrap (Beartrap#0321))
Body:: zinpia
Body Texture :: maddiiee
Head :: Starlynn
Eye Texture :: Missymod
Bodysuit :: honeylab
Sleeves :: nymphee
Top + Heels :: Yukina
Ribbons :: Amboolents
Hood (Commission) :: shroomeechan
Safety Top :: juuul.
Skirt :: Yukina
Corset :: dumpling
Hair Back :: Nessy!
Hair Bangs :: saikura
Tail :: Nessy!
Tail Bow :: sohvi
Ears :: Nikkiepng
Better Gestures :: Wolvei#0001
Marker :: VRLabs
Follower :: me <3
✧ I N G A M E - S T A T S ✧
Overall Performance - Very Poor
Polygons - 157,051
Material Slots - 28
Skinned Mesh - 18
VRAM - 48.18 mb
Uncompressed Size - 79.78 mb
In Game-Size - 17.79 mb
In Game Height - 1.46m
♡ ♡ ♡
Thank you for checking out my store page .
I create avatars and assets for VRChat in my free time .
Need help or have any questions?
DM me at bearlytrap (Beartrap#0321) and/or join the discord server - https://discord.gg/6CawZjZ
♡ ♡ ♡