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Eletseha paperback


The Dry Tears of a Bleeding Child paperback


Chain Reaction paperback


The Comedian with a Lisp Paperback


About Me

My name is Tumelo Moleleki and I am a self-publishing author. I am South African. I speak more than 6 languages, which include 2 international languages. I love reading and I enjoy my writing career, even though I have to fit it around my day job. I am a QA consultant, so I care a lot about quality.

If you are looking for South African stories, this is the place to find them. If you are looking for stories written in indigenous languages, you have come to the right place. I welcome candid feedback on how customers experience my products. Thank you for your interest.

Connect with me on twitter @Guepard_1 instagram @MolelekiTumelo Facebook @BooksbyTMoleleki