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AUTOGRAPHED PAPERBACK COPY - Sentinel's Song: A Retelling of St. George and the Dragon


The Seven Years Princess: A Retelling of Maid Maleen


AUTOGRAPHED PAPERBACK COPY - The Seven Years Princess: A Retelling of Maid Maleen


EBOOK PRE-ORDER - The Huntsman's Heart: A Clean Fantasy Fairy Tale Retelling of Snow White


SIGNED PAPERBACK PRE-ORDER: The Huntsman's Heart: A Clean Fantasy Fairy Tale Retelling of Snow White


The Ultimate Classical Kingdoms Collection 11-eBook Boxset

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AUTOGRAPHED - The Classical Kingdoms Novels COMPLETE Collection - New Covers


The Green-Eyed Prince: A Retelling of the Frog Prince Novella


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The White Slipper: A Clean Fairy Tale Retelling of The White Slipper

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The Prince's Dangerous Wish: A Clean Fairy Tale Retelling of The Pink


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The Enchanted Wreath: A Clean Fantasy Fairy Tale Retelling of The Enchanted Wreath




About Me

Brittany lives with her Prince Charming, their little fairy, and their tiny prince in a decently clean castle in whatever kingdom the Air Force has most recently placed them. When she's not writing, Brittany can be found chasing her kids around with her DSLR and belting it on the church worship team. You can find out more about Brittany and her books at