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From Chaos to Calm...

Life can often feel like a chaotic whirlwind, with countless tasks and responsibilities competing for our attention. However, in my journey towards a more peaceful and focused life, I discovered a game-changer: using every day task lists and planners. These simple tools transformed my once-chaotic daily routine into a calm, organised, and ultimately more fulfilling experience.

The Chaos I Once Knew:

As far back as I can remember my daily life was characterised by constant stress, overwhelm, and an ever-growing sense of disarray. I found myself constantly juggling multiple tasks, forgetting important appointments, and suffocating under the weight of my own disorganisation. Parenthood didn’t help and as my family grew our day to day life became even more chaotic. It was clear that something had to change.

Discovery: The Power of Task Lists:

Then a few years ago I discovered the magic of a colour coded task lists. It was a simple concept – writing down all the tasks I needed to accomplish and matching a colour against each one that represented how easy and how long it would take to finish – but it proved to be a game-changer. Suddenly, I had a tangible and visual representation of everything that needed to be done and how long it would take, freeing up valuable mental space.

Creating a Task List Routine:

Creating a this task list routine was a new experience for me, I had often jotted down a to-do list but this was different. I started by setting aside a specific time each day, normally in the morning, to sit down and create my list of tasks that needed to get done and then I would colour coded them. This allowed me to align my priorities, break down overwhelming tasks into manageable steps, and establish a sense of direction for the day ahead.

Embracing the Power of Planners:

While task lists provided the foundation of my transformation, incorporating planners into my routine elevated my organisation to new heights. Planners offered a holistic view of my schedule, allowing me to visualise how each task fit into the bigger picture of my day. By reviewing what tasks were a priority and efficiently allocating time for them in my day, I was able to maintain a healthy work-life balance and prevent tasks from missed or forgotten.

I also discovered one of the most rewarding aspects of using task lists and planners is the immense satisfaction of crossing off completed tasks. As the list gradually shrinks, a sense of accomplishment and motivation fills the void left by chaos. This positive reinforcement kept me going plus I also felt more focused on the journey towards calmness.

Eliminating Clutter and Distractions:

One thing I know for sure is that a cluttered physical space often mirrors a chaotic mental state. With this mindset, I’ve also embarked on a decluttering journey to eliminate distractions around the house and create a more serene environment. Through organisation and more minimalist living spaces, I’m transforming our home into a haven of calmness that fosters productivity and focus not just for me but for my family as well. You see all the chaos was impacting the children too, and with a daughter who is neurodiverse, clutter and disorganisation was creating a day to day routine that was difficult and distracting for her, now that we are on a new path that’s starting to feel much easier for her.

The Ripple Effect:

As I steadily established a calm and organised daily routine, I began to notice a ripple effect in other areas of my life. I became more productive and efficient, had more time for self-care and hobbies, and even found myself better equipped to handle unexpected challenges. The chaos that once consumed me gradually gave way to a newfound calmness that permeated every aspect of my existence.

The Final Piece of the Puzzle:

My journey from chaos to calm has evolved once more recently, although I had found a new organisational system that worked for me and helped me to manage my task list and daily routines better I found I was writing everything down on scraps of paper that would sometimes get lost, thrown out or even scribbled on by my youngest and that’s when my love of get creative stepped in. I decided that creating a Task List Sheet, along with a Daily Planner myself, that I could download and print off, would be much more effective to keep me on track. I’m a visual person who needs to have my tools and resources at hand to use them efficiently so that’s what I did. My Task List and Daily Planners live on clipboards hung up on the pantry door of my kitchen and they are constantly in my eye line making it easier for me to use them successfully.

Transitioning from chaos to calmness is a journey that requires consistency, dedication, and a willingness to change. Through the power of task lists, planners, and mindfulness practices, I found a path to a more peaceful and organized daily routine. Today, I am no longer a slave to chaos but rather the master of my own calmness.

You can shop my downloadable planners, worksheets and printable in my shop here.