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Nicole Johnson

I have always been a lover of words and as far back as I can remember I always told my parents I wanted to become a writer. I've always fancied myself as the "next" Maya Angelou or Maya Angelou "reincarnated" because she was a phenomenal woman of color, among many other things.

Over the years, life and its distractions caused me to lose that passion for writing I once had as a child. Ironically, after I got saved and baptized two and a half years ago God redirected me into writing again. He allowed my childhood dreams to come true and I'm doing it the best way possible, independently. I created By Their Fruit Publishing House for independent authors like myself to let their voices be heard.In the poetry world I'm also known as Energy Speaks, so be on the lookout for my work. The great part about all of this is that I get to create story after story with my children along side of me as co-writers.

They say one way you make God laugh is to tell him the things you have planned.


Nicole Johnson,

Author and CEO By Their Fruit Publishing House

"Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”.

Luke 6:38