1.) You May Use as PU for Tags, timelines, cluster frames, tutorials, blog designs and so on.
2.) You may NOT share this, give away for free, or use to resell in anyway.
3.) You can use other tubes for my kits, it does not have to be the ones included,
and you are welcome to mix my kits,
but you can NOT mix my kits with other designers.
4.) When using my Designs, Kits or Tubes, this is your license:
@CattyCreations_payhip/CCDezines.com (Your name)
And has to be written ''clearly'' on your finished designs.
- This is NOT accepted: AI by catty creations -
AI generated by catty creations designs, by catty creations and so on...
Basically you are free to use my designs how you see fit,
as long as my 2 most importen terms are followed.
1.Personal use only
2. And you write your license with my credit info :
@CattyCreations_payhip/CCDezines.com (Your name)