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Do you believe in the inevitability of your success?
In the years that I’ve spent TRYING to launch an online business, I’ve seen people take their humble starts and turn that into very profitable businesses. What made them so magnetic, even when their business was just a link to a calendar with no...
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How is your search for purpose going?
As someone who has struggled with perfectly hidden depression, I can now say that the concept of purpose has never served me. If anything, it clouded my vision and my actions because I was so disconnected from myself that my “purpose” and people plea...
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Just ship it! Embracing the beginner's mindset
It's Happening!
This is the first time I've felt genuine excitement without the usual fear.Fear that I am getting ahead of myself.Fear that I am dreaming too big, or asking for things that I don't deserve.I've been freelancing for 2.5 years, and I've stuck with it (...
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