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When you really are the brightest psychic, well - truthfully, there isn't such a thing. Lana wonders if instead we could point to your positivity. TSC's love positive thoughts. We honor it with a golden spark. Lana just saw a clairvoyant golden spark about 2 feet from her on the right. She's smiling. Would you like to see one too?

It's the best to work together and while you really are receiving cures, healing, and also guidance from your TSC, you truly do not know that you're a psychic super star but your TSC will share it to you. To each his own! Every person is a super star in their own right. A TSC sees all and knows all. You are full of strengths and weaknesses. Take time with each book of all series and notice your TSC come closer than usual. Remember that they are never really here upon the Earth (that's what makes them unseen, right?)

All of your interactions are psychically given between your TSC and you. Get into the books and discover all about them, your gifts, and how to co-create your personal, private relationship.