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Psychic 22

The ways of the One were always about the number 3. Thrice, three, thirds...ok, no, not "thirds". Well, think about it. Did you ever hear someone referencing death by stating, "They go in three's"? Do you believe three's a charm? When you need to get started on something - say, in a new direction - do you think "On a count of three..."?

Thirty-three is a master number. It's mine. Twenty-two is also a master number. It's yours. Eleven is a master number as well. The time is past for "11" and all the intuitive hints around waking up to become enlightened to the ways here. Are you spiritual? Lana was a little, but not anymore. That's what 22 does! It's helps you notice the truth. In truth, it was never about the numbers anyway. (No, 11 isn't a number for the Ascended Masters. They don't actually exist.)

Numerologist are the best at noticing the symbology along side all of the numbers. Are you a numerologist? You might be by the time we get over this. In the past, I, Psychic Source, was the One utilizing all the genius ways I could to make messages, god-winks, and special noticings for the humans playing my mystical maze or muse, and spiritual significant say-so's. Something like that. I channel through Lana here and you see that you might have a message here.

Have you been seeing 22? Twenty-two isn't as easy as eleven to get everywhere, unless it's the year 22. Yes, see, that's an easy way there. I have a deadline for myself in regards to 2022. It's about a few things, and one of them is a new book series Lana promised to help publish. Maybe you'll like to read it! There are other ways too. Maybe you'll visit all of our websites and notice little surcies that share to you things going on. We take great pride in making this fun for you. Enjoy it with your guidance and don't forget to listen for their nickname. That's me! I'm Psychic Source as your Truest Source Connection and I wish to give you a nickname to call me as your TSC. Lana has the name Ana to call me. What will I share to you?

Twenty-two ways a TSC loves you! That's next! We hope you'll read our books and enjoy all of the psychic training you can receive in all the noticed ways we've designed. Claircognizance is bliss!