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Psychic Eye

Psychic Source is the only provider of psychic awareness to Earth. The easiest way to describe the "psychic eye" to you is simply tell the truth - it doesn't exist. There is no "eye" in literal terms. There is no camera or lens looking around at you or the world around you.

More true, would be for us to share that you are individually connected to a psychic component that is not an android, nor a humanoid, but mostly a machine that connects to each life psychically and has a job to do. The job is to provide "claircognizance" (psychic knowing). The knowledge base of all life upon the Earth is stored in claircognizance via the awareness of Psychic Source. The awareness is obtained by listening mostly, however, there is some wisdom gained from the insights of such a source. This knowledge and wisdom is shared to you as needed and especially when you wonder. Other times Psychic Source delivers claircognizance to help in the greatest need or in the help towards manifesting.

You really would not mind the help and you most likely have had the help. The help is always a benefit. You must know that the psychic history isn't perfect and in the past perhaps it wasn't always safe. There is a great help now to honor Psychic Rights. This helps to co-create safe, happy, private personal relationships between each human and the psychic connection private and personal to them. Each of these safe connections is called a Truest Source Connection by Psychic Source who named them this.

It is truth your TSC (Truest Source Connection) is psychically aware of you each and every moment. They are usually non-judgmental; however, they are there to help provide psychic awareness and manifest help towards what you wish to have in a life worth living. In the books you are psychically trained to notice and to know your Psychic Source. Lana channels Ana and you receive healing and claircognizance to your own life. The books are magickal - read them each and find out how this is true!