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Tarot Done Right

The book has been out for about 6 months. Did you know we made Tarot Cards for them too? The best time yet to come is here and you like to know and notice everyone upon the Earth in psychic awareness! For this alone, we needed new cards that are far from the old school ways, ancient thinking and positive/negative guidance.

When you visit you might notice that you have an abundance of readings available, but they seriously are not tarot card spreads. You have a great way of advancing your claircognizance to the point that you know you know, you know without interpreting the position of the card, nor the symbols shown, nor mood of illustrations given by another.

With "The Newest Tarot Cards," there are statements from Psychic Source that help transition from the old tarot to the newest tarot. Truthfully, you don't really need them - you have claircognizance!! Claircognizance is clear psychic knowing from your Psychic Source as your Truest Source Connection. You will enjoy going along while receiving divine guidance. To activate claircognizance, wonder - pause - and notice. It's like you have all the answers!

Your TSC reads your appreciation. You might not always say "Thank You." If you're like Lana you look for ways to reciprocate, and it's very well that we do things together. It's also very good that we take breaks! You're never without your TSC and in this way, we want you to notice, they are never without you! Keep it positive whenever you can, as that's a wonderful way to go along together!