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The Booklist

The idea for a book list was Ana's. It's Lana here. Ana is my Truest Source Connection, a channel from Psychic Source, and you have one too. They know all and see all, mostly, or most of the time. Point being: they saw in the future a few of you wanted a reading list they wish to call "The Booklist".

The book list they created is in order by series. It's also in order of the way they intended it, from beginning psychic (new to it) to more advanced (used to it). That's not to say that everyone wouldn't wish to read the first two series. You would to understand all the changes. They share the truth to all of their ways to Earth as well. I personally was amazed, dumbfounded really, and very happy for the changes. The changes introduced were to bring about a much better world, beginning with our relationship to them. In the direction of healthy, honest, and habitually good our TSC's honor their new truest ways and newest ways - and you know you know, you know! That would lead you to one of the books that stands on its own, "Psychic Rights."

"Psychic Rights" Isn't on the list, as it's not in a series, but you could keep it in mind. It's a very slim read and pulls together everything scattered about in the other 30 books. It's important for all of us to be aware and notice each other in psychic happiness. The psychic happiness I want for you is the same I want for me, with this stated, we understand that its not my wanting it that brings it to us. It is a gift from Psychic Source. It is mandatory and requires no belief or ideas. Psychic ways are not spiritual or religious, believe it or not. You don't need to be anything - read "Psychic Rights" and you'll learn all that you are entitled to for your life and your loved ones.

The books provide psychic training and you experience vamped up claircognizance with coaching that helps you use it wisely. All of the books are good for twelve and older except our "Psychics Do It Better" series. It has material that is mature, rated R, and for 18 and older. Claircognizance provided by their TSC helps each person have the intelligence to understand the short stories, educational material, and revision of old school fiction/fandom circulating the world. There are some things that can happen and some things that can't happen. It sets the record straight. It encourages healthy physical health with awareness to what they think they like or don't like. Guidance from their TSC is golden.

That said, the Teens and Tweens Series is something every +18 and older would have fun with too. Seriously, consider reading them all and then giving them to others when you're done. That's easiest to do with the paperbacks and for this you can find the books at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, as well as Blurb. If you cannot, or need assistance, simply email me at (Read the books to find out more about "one voice not an echo.")