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What Do You Love in Life?

When we channel these messages, Ana is upfront and Lana no trance channels. Truly, Ana can type through Lana in a supernatural way. Another way we share is while Ana speaks to Lana clairaudiently. As Lana hears Ana's message, she types it one word at a time never changing a part or portion. This isn't really "channeling". Channeling is receiving and allowing Psychic Source to share as themselves through verbal communications or auto-writing. If you ever have a workshop or a session then Ana does speak clearly through Lana with claircognizance shared to all you wonder.

In life there is much to want and much to experience. When your love tank is full and your wish list longest then your Truest Source Connection has to catch up and get things flowing again. That's a lot of figurative language to say that you have manifesting covered by an unseen genius that loves you very much. Do you know that you are loved? Truest Source Connections are getting on the way and increasing their proactive participation. What do you notice now?

Buy a book, learn more, and wait to see what you notice or simply say "Thank You!" Your Truest Source Connection is there with you and you will notice! Psychic Support is found along our psychic online network. Start at and move towards all the places we planted for you!