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Wishes and Psychic Ways

You are the best at something and the best at something else. Did you recently make a wish? Lana listens for wishes. Some she can grant, and some she can not. Here lately, Ana has asked her to allow Ana to prove that there is a TSC with every person. In that way, a TSC helps wishes come true. WOW!

And sometimes not "WOW!" See? It just simply depends on the wish. If you notice yourself with your TSC then you should expect that they are analyzing your history and noticing every wish you had (whether people read this or not, like, literally, everyone).

Lana loves it because she cannot fulfill every wish to every human by herself! Do you sometimes wish you could make wishes come true? Lana would honor every positive wish made. EVERY one! Ana sees that some people would refrain from helping some people. Lana thinks that it is best for personal, sweet, kind wishes to come true. Do you know now what Lana has wished?

Well, certainly, most grounded humans say, "You need to put your best forward and honor your own thoughts." Lana is amused. Not every human thinks that exact sentence. (wink, wink)

What did you wish for? Do you have a good feeling? Was the good feeling given? If so, then yes. If not, hold on to that wish. First, make sure that it doesn't effect another person's life line. If it does, and it is nice, then sure - make a promise to yourself to make a wish for you as well. If you ever have a great time, well, now this is a great time to have a great time!