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How To Stay Motivated


The feeling of motivation is obviously real, the problem however is that motivation seems to fade away. We may temporarily feel motivated for a couple of hours, or hopefully a couple of days but then the motivation starts to fade away. This can become a depressive pattern, because it's human nature to rely on good emotions. Motivation keeps you in a state of alertness, you feel like you have physical and mental energy to achieve what you want to achieve.

What we fail to realize is that, motivation blossoms from discipline.

If you have discipline, motivation will appear more recently and stay for longer. For example, if you discipline your mind to workout at the gym at the same time everyday you will start to feel motivated.

You need to ground your character with discipline if you want to feel motivation in a world with millions of distractions. We have distractions everywhere avaliable via the the phone, computers, games and so on. These modern distractions weaken our discipline, and so, our motivation and momentum start to vanish.

However, even when you have good discipline, motivation will vanish sometimes. However, the disicipline keeps you pushing forward and you'll be rewarded with a greater amount of motivation and momentum in the soon future.

Let me give you a good example.

Humans may feel motivated to quit smoking cigarettes for a day, but it's the discipline to battle withdrawals for 3-7 days that actually gives you the big motivation after a week of suffering through nicotine withdrawals.

Discipline, suffering, struggle builds your motivation, momentum and strengthens your willpower.

Remember, you have the power to change your life, your health and mindset.

"The Quality Of Your Life Depends Upon The Quality Of Your Thoughts" - Marcus Aurelius