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8 Ways to Make Your Blog Your Best Ad Copy

* Image by on Freepik



Have you ever created a product or a piece of art that you loved so much you wanted to tell the world about it? 

Sure, you have! 

Many creatives have experienced this, they just didn't know where to start.


If you’re starting the way I did with no clue about copywriting, you only have one choice: 

Hire a copywriter.


But this could cut significantly into your profit margin and is not an option if you’re on a tight budget. 

So, what can you do?


You can gather a few tips and start a blog.


One of the main reasons blogging is so popular today is that there are no consequences for freedom of expression. 

Another reason is that blogs cost little or nothing to get started. 

Here are 8 tips to help you draw attention to your product using a blog. 


1. Create an Attention-Grabbing Headline 


Your headline is the first thing your reader will see.

Make sure it grabs their attention.  

It is also a great idea to learn from the experts, and that’s why every week I share sneak peeks of copywriting lessons from Michael Giannulis


So, let’s see what Mike has to say about headlines: 



Headlines - Let's Talk About Them... 


Headlines are often the first thing your audience will see, and they play a crucial role in grabbing your reader's attention and keeping them engaged. A great headline can make all the difference in whether or not someone reads your copy. 

So, what makes a headline great? First and foremost, it needs to be attention-grabbing. You want your headline to make a strong first impression and entice your reader to keep reading. This can be achieved through the use of power words, numbers, and questions.


Another key aspect of great headlines is being specific and concise. You want to clearly convey what your copy is about, without being too wordy or vague. And, of course, your headline should be relevant to your target audience and what they're looking for. 


2. Share the Story Behind Your Work (what inspired you to create it) 


Everybody loves a good story, so think about the story you want to tell.


What inspired you to create the artwork? 

If you share in a skillful way, the story behind your product can connect your audience in an emotional way that converts to sales. 



3. Speak Directly to People Who Can Relate 


Instead of listing features of your product, talk about its benefits and how it can improve the lives of your readers. 

Use descriptive language to convey the quality and the attention to detail that went into creating the best product for your tribe.



4. Use Visuals 


Use high-quality images and graphics to showcase your product and highlight its features. 

Just like I did with this Zebra Abstract printable

The light gray mockup against the surrounding black background beautifully emphasizes the colors and detail in the artwork.


5. Use Social Proof 


Share customer reviews and testimonials to show how your product has helped others.


This can inspire confidence in your product and encourage others to give it a try. 


6. Offer a Solution 


Identify a problem that your target audience may be facing and position your product as the solution. 

For example, if you're selling a unisex baby product, emphasize it as ideal for a mother-to-be who is uncertain about the gender of her baby. 



7. Address Common Concerns 


Find and address common concerns or objections that your target audience may have.


A common concern in the “printables world” for example is; “Will the printed result look the same as the display?”


You can alleviate this fear by discussing the file types and formats that are used with your printables to preserve quality and size ratios. 


8. Show Your Passion 


Finally, show your passion for your product.


Passion is always infectious. 


Your passion can inspire your target audience and encourage them to become loyal customers. 


So, if you're ready to learn more about writing blogs that are brilliant ad copies, simply subscribe to the Copywriter Brain newsletter using this link.


That’s all for now! 


See you next week.