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Is There a Writer in all Creatives?



Yes, there is.  

Creativity can manifest itself in many forms. From painting and sculpture to music and dance, there are countless ways that people express their creativity.  

However, one form of creativity that often is overlooked is writing.

Many people assume that writing is a skill that only a select few possess, but the truth is, there is a writer in all creatives. 

The simple reason is writing is a fundamental part of the creative process. Whether you are a design artist, a musician, or a dancer, you must be able to communicate your ideas effectively in order to bring your vision to life.


Writing is one of the most powerful tools for doing so. By putting your thoughts and ideas down on paper, you are able to refine and clarify them, making them easier to express to your audience. 

Moreover, writing is not limited to the traditional forms of prose and poetry. 


Even if you do not consider yourself a skilled writer, you are likely engaging in some form of writing every day.  

Whether you are jotting down your to-do list, brainstorming your daily plan of action, or composing social media posts, you are using writing to express yourself in some way.


Of course, this is not to say that all creatives should aspire to be professional writers.  



However, the value of writing as a tool for creative expression must be recognized. By honing your writing skills, you can better communicate your ideas and bring your creative vision to life. 


So, whether you are a painter, a musician, or a dancer, remember that there is a writer in you waiting to be unleashed.


It took me almost 20 years of service in Banking to recognize that all the letters, forms, and reports I'd been writing had a huge market value online. 


That’s how my freelance writing journey began, and that’s how I met Michael Giannulis and subscribed to his weekly newsletter “Copywriter Brain.” 

My goal was to learn how to write attention-grabbing headlines and content for my posts that would rank high in search engines and attract followers.


It was one of Mike’s headlines that caught my attention: 

 [[CWB]] Crafting Attention-Grabbing Headlines (Episode 101) 



Mike Giannulis 



Headlines - Let's Talk About Them... 

Headlines are often the first thing your audience will see, and they play a crucial role in grabbing your reader's attention and keeping them engaged. A great headline can make all the difference in whether or not someone reads your copy. 

So, what makes a headline great? First and foremost, it needs to be attention-grabbing. You want your headline to make a strong first impression and entice your reader to keep reading. This can be achieved through the use of power words, numbers, and questions....... 



If you enjoyed this sneak peek, go ahead and subscribe @ Copywriter via this link. 

In case you are wondering, I am not an affiliate partner of Michael Giannulis and I will not make any money from doing this. 

I just love to share value when I find it.


So, if you are interested in honing your writing skills to write better titles and descriptions and attract followers to your products, feel free to click the link and check him out. 

That’s all for now. I will continue to share little snippets from Copywriter Brain every week right here. 

See you next time!