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Is There a Writer in All Creatives? - Part 3

Harness the Power of PRR 



In case you are wondering why I’m using the picture of a cat in the header of my blog, it’s because I’m using its image to create a connection to this article. 

I used the same strategy with this bunny head Cactus printable! 

But let’s talk about PRR in writing-prove it, rewrite it, or remove it. 

If you think related to a cat, my hope is it will remind you to use this powerful method in your copywriting. 


Why do you need to PRR?

Whatever the copy you’re writing to promote your product, even if it’s just a social media post, it’s important to see it from the eyes of a copywriter. 

That is why every week I share snippets of Michael Giannulis’ copywriting lessons from his newsletter “Copywriter Brain” to help to unleash that copywriter in you.


So if you are a photographer, a musician, or even an artist, and you’ve never connected with your inner writer, this is my gift to you! 


Michael Giannulis shares his weekly newsletter filled with copywriting lessons for free.  


Take a look at what Mike had to say about using the PRR method in copywriting: 



By Mike Giannulis 






One of the major rules of copywriting: If they say it, it’s true. If you say it, it’s suspect at best and downright untruthful at worst. 

That’s the way the mind of the prospect thinks. And you can’t blame them. They are so used to being oversold and undelivered their skepticism is always on high alert.


That’s why whenever you write your copy, you’ve got to be prepared to “put up or shut up.” 

Claim & Proof should be treated like two links of a chain that are always bound together. When you make a claim, provide proof.

Otherwise, the prospect won’t believe you, and you’ll lose credibility. And if they don’t believe you, that means they don’t trust you… and that means their credit card stays in their wallet. 

When you finish your copy, go back through and look at all claims. Make sure if a claim is made, you Prove it's true. If you can’t prove it as is, Rewrite it in a way you can. And if you can’t do that, then just Remove it.

So, either Prove It, Rewrite It, or Remove it. PRR. 

Doing this will prevent a potential CAT-astrophe from happening. ;) 



Ready to learn more and go to the next level with your copywriting? 


Subscribe to the Copywriter Brain newsletter to receive weekly tips and insight from Michael Giannulis. 







Reviews and testimonials can be very effective to Prove it

When a potential buyer sees that your product has been tested and proven, it goes a long way toward convincing them to follow and adds some credibility to your name. 


But maybe you are not able to prove your claim the way it is written. 


If that is the case, then simply Rewrite it. Make it believable. 


If not, I hope you will see the importance of the success of your reputation and your products or brand, to Remove it


That’s all for this week. See you next time!