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Q: Do You Do Uploads?

A: since the new 2FA update i

only do uploads in my free time

Q: I can't afford your avi but really want it, what can I do?

A: Open a ticket in my server and we can talk about it, I don't mind giving ppl who need it a discount<3

Q: I'm having trouble uploading.

A: If you have issues I have a help channel in my server or u can open a ticket. I'll help the best I can<3

Q: How can i support you without buying?

A: Come join my server and hang out<3 also leaving reviews on my free stuff as well<3

Q: I saw your avatar on a stinky site/uploaded to a world, what do I do?

A: Please dont go on sticky sites even if its just to look, but if you do see my model pls report it and shoot me a DM or open a ticket<3

Q: Do you do commissions?

A: Yes i do!! Join my server to see my waiting list to see if there is a open spot<3

Q: Can i stream wearing your avatar?

A: YES!! Id love to see you streaming in my avatar but please only do it if you credit me<3

EXAMPLE: Model by Crozzie#2530 (Link to model)

Q: Can I use your assets for a world? (for sale/Public)

A: Yes you can!! Just credit me even its just a public world<3

If you have any other questions let me know<3