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The Rule Obsession: Finding Balance Between Order and Common Sense
In today's society, there's a palpable shift towards stringent adherence to rules, a stark contrast to earlier, more relaxed times. Reflecting on this, I recall the days when restaurants had smoking sections, subtly acknowledging that smoke...
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The Rise of Remote Work: Transforming the Modern Workplace
The landscape of work has undergone a significant transformation over the past decade, with remote work emerging as a dominant trend. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated this shift, compelling businesses worldwide to adapt to remote work models virtual...
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The Solitary Odyssey: Contemplating the Future on a Solo Road Trip
There’s a unique allure to the open road, an invitation to embark on a journey not just through space, but through the vast, uncharted territories of the self. The solo road trip, an iconic endeavor in American culture, offers a rare blend of solitud...
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"The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know.” -Albert EinsteinIn our society, there's a pervasive pressure to always have the answers. Admitting ignorance is often seen as a sign of weakness or incompetence. This stigma ...
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Cool Lake
Life’s simple joys often come from the least expected places. I grew up going to Cool Lake in Irons, Michigan, for our family vacations. It's a little spot with not much going on, but it's special to us. I think even Ted Nugent used to live around th...
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The Rule Obsession: Finding Balance Between Order and Common Sense
In today's society, there's a palpable shift towards stringent adherence to rules, a stark contrast to earlier, more relaxed times. Reflecting on this, I recall the days when restaurants had smoking sections, subtly acknowledging that smoke...
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Navigating the Fog: Strategies for Handling Gaslighting in Relationships
Gaslighting, a form of emotional abuse where one person manipulates another into questioning their own reality, can be particularly insidious when it comes from a partner. If you find yourself constantly being gaslit, it's crucial to recognize the si...
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How Being a Nice Guy at 25 Ruined My Life
At the age of 25, I proudly wore the "nice guy" badge. My intentions were pure and simple—I believed in treating everyone with kindness and respect, and in return, I expected a fair bit of decency. Little did I know, this very disposition would set t...
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Best Virtual Mentors for Young Men
Aaron ClareyEnjoy the Decline: Accepting and Living with the Death of the United StatesRollo TomassiThe Rational Male: A comprehensive book exploring intersexual dynamics.John SonmezSimple Programmer YouTube Channel: Offers advice on software develop...
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Embracing Failure: The Pathway to Success
In a culture that often idolizes winning and success, it's easy to overlook the profound lessons that come from failure. Yet, if we look closely, failure is not just an inevitable part of life but a necessary stepping stone on the road to achiev...
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"Actually, It's Complicated": The Chronicles of Debate Evasion
In the wild world of debates and discussions—be it at the dinner table, online forums, or televised panels—there’s a special kind of participant that deserves recognition. Let’s call them the “Actually, It’s Complicated” folks, or AICs for short. The...
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The 75 Hard Challenge: Rules and Benefits
The 75 Hard Challenge is a popular program designed to help individuals improve their mental toughness, discipline, and overall well-being. Created by entrepreneur Andy Frisella, this challenge has gained traction on social media platforms and has in...
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Building a Successful Online Presence: A Guide to Consistent Scheduling and Earning Money
In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for individuals looking to share their passions, talents, or businesses with the world. Whether you're a content creator, entrepreneur, or influencer, creating a consistent ...
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The Importance of Minding Our Own Business and Practicing Deliberate Ignorance
In this modern age of information overload, it is becoming increasingly important to recognize the value of minding our own business and sometimes practicing deliberate ignorance. While curiosity and knowledge-seeking are typically encouraged, there ...
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Some of my favorite books
TOP TEN (or more) IN ALL CATEGORIES: Dumbing Us Down by Gatto (education)12 Rules for LIfe by Peterson (self-help)The True Believer by Eric Hoffer (philosophy)Ishmael by Quinn (novel)When Breath Becomes Air by Kalanithi (memoir)Hillbilly Elegy b...
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