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Thinking Logically, Not Emotionally: Embracing Our Inner Stoic

Gentlemen, our emotions often cloud our judgment and decision-making. When frustration, anger, disappointment or other feelings flare up, we become irrational. However, by following some Stoic principles of logic over emotions, we can train ourselves to respond reasonably instead of reacting emotionally.

Control Your Perceptions

Our emotions stem from our perceptions about events or people. But our perceptions may be false or exaggerated. Next time you feel emotional, ask yourself - is my perception accurate? Examine the facts logically using Stoic detachment.

Focus on What You Can Control

When something happens that stirs up sadness, anxiety or anger, shift to what is in your power. Creating action plans and focusing efforts pays off more than dwelling on what you can’t control. Manage your reactions logically.

Practice Mindfulness

Notice when you start making assumptions or getting riled up. Breathe slowly while concentrating solely on the present. This clears irrational emotions, just like Stoic meditation.

Show Indifference to Non-Essentials

The Stoics didn’t worry about things outside their control. Likewise, we shouldn’t be disturbed by non-essential things like opinions of others, gossip, fame or petty annoyances. Logically evaluate what truly matters.

By training ourselves to respond logically rather than emotionally, we exemplify those Stoic ideals of rationality and self-control. Over time, logic becomes our default state. While emotions come and go, reason grounded in facts lasts forever.