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We frequently talk about how to resolve disputes, but the problem is that most of the time, we settle disputes improperly.

We frequently talk about how to resolve disputes, but the problem is that most of the time, we settle disputes improperly. In spite of the fact that many people are fighting one another in many contexts, no solutions are ever found. They never learn to be problem-solvers. They become people who create issues for themselves and others in the name of resolving their disagreements. I discovered there are many goof-ups that have been used in the process of resolving disputes while researching extensively about it. When I was reading extensively on resolving conflicts, I discovered that many incorrect terms had been used to achieve so. People seldom reach conclusions, and the difficulty is that such conclusions never result in anything useful. Therefore, the issue is not how much justice should be implemented so that each party in a dispute must play a role. The world has committed many mistakes in the resolution of conflicts, yet despite this, we still hold these mistakes to be true. People are struggling because they believe it is possible for someone to do a particular action and significantly alter their lives. We enter confrontations with others around us without even taking the most crucial factors into account.

In leadership, there are a lot of disputes which are unsolved because people try to apply fairness in order to end disputes which end as the beginning of something else: enmity. Because I believe what you call fair can't be the same as what I consider as fairness. And remember that fairness is good. But there is no standard measure of fairness. That is to say, fairness is not a prerequisite for dispute resolution; rather, dispute resolution must include two sides REPENTANCE AND RESTORATION. The word "repentance" is derived from the Greek word Metanoeo, which means a change of mind thought or thinking. Additionally, the term "restoration" means rejuvenation, returning something back to its original state, etc. A change of heart, mind, or thinking (REPENTANCE), followed by the fact that one is restored (RESTORATION) are prerequisites for any effective disputes’ resolutions in any leadership.


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