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Welcome to my Shop! I am Tatiana, and I am a Shaman. I started my Spiritual Awakening Journey in 2018, and after going through a very intense awakening experience and an abrupt onset of the Kundalini Energy awakening in 2019, I was initiated on the Spiritual Path. Since then, I "woke up" to Life and have travelled far into the depths of my own Journey, rediscovering my powerful gifts, my very own Shamanic Energetic Signature, and learning that I am a Shaman, a healer, a person of Medicine. I found my Soul Mission in opening my Soul-based Healing Practice. I love empowering others and helping them to connect to their Soul.

In my Healing Arts work, I assist others in healing many layers of trauma, by removing Trauma - subconscious traumatic charges - from the cellular level, doing the work of energetic re-patterning of the Subconscious, sending Activations (Higher Dimensional Frequencies that speak directly to our DNA), all of which opens up our Higher Consciousness, awakens our Intuition and unlocks our hidden abilities. I assist in clearing and releasing various trauma, lower density and energetic debris, past timelines and lifetimes, ancestral/generational trauma, karmic energies and cycles, clearing fears, programming and energetic templates (including on the ancestral level), shifting the energies of limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging behaviors, deep seeded emotions, and any blockages that prevent us from moving forward on our Soul Journey, towards the Inner Union and the Divine Union. I do the work of energetic re-patterning of the fears, cycles, patterns, limiting beliefs and self sabotaging behaviors deep on the subconscious level.

I practice my own authentic Multidimensional Shamanic Soul Healing Arts, which is a unique blend of Shamanic, Quantum, Alchemical and Light Language healing modalities. I also call in the Healing Frequencies of Elements of Water, Earth, Fire and Air and work very close together with the Angelics, Galactics, and Shamanic Spirit Guides. In addition, I work with the Light Grids within the Earth, clearing and transmuting the Collective Energy.

There are infinite possibilities within all of us, and it is my privilege to help others discover theirs. If you feel guided to be working with me, I will honored to be a part of your Soul Journey, Beautiful Soul.