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About Dustwood Media and Jeri-Lynn Woods

As an artist and photographer, my focus has always been on the world around me, both nature itself and man-made things. My art roots trace back to my early teens and my love of animals, especially horses (I was a teenage girl - go figure). While I took art classes in high school and studied fine art in university, my most powerful influences were a couple of other artists who taught me how to really see and to capture what I saw in pencil, ink and colored pencil. I came into my own as a photographer in my adult years with the advent of digital cameras.

My company, Dustwood Media, offers resources for solopreneurs and small businesses, including stock images which are available to you here under a Creative Commons BY4 License. When you purchase an image, your license gives you the right to edit and apply the image for commercial, business, non-profit, or personal uses, provided that you attribute the image to Dustwood Media. I retain copyright in all images.

Purchasing Stock Images.

To purchase, click on the item you're interested in to go to the Product Page. Click on "Add To Cart" (if you want to shop some more) or "Buy Now".

"You will be taken to a checkout page that will ask for your email address. Once this has been added, you will have the option to either pay via PayPal or card."

To pay with PayPal, click on "PayPal". You will need to create an account (if you haven’t done so already) then log in using your details. You'll then have the option to either use your saved card or to Add a debit or credit card. Then click on "Pay Now".

To pay via credit card, click Buy with Card, which will open up the checkout form to input your details: your card number, expiry date, and your CVV/CVC. Then click on "Buy Now".

Either way, you will be taken to a page where you can download the file. You will be sent an email receipt, which gives the email address to contact me directly, and which gives you the option to generate an invoice.

Using Stock Images.

My Payhip stock images are available under a Creative Commons BY4 license. These images are available for your commercial, business, non-profit or personal use:

  • - book manuscripts
  • - album covers
  • - promotional materials
  • - letterheads, business cards and other business documents
  • - product packaging
  • - websites
  • - slideshows
  • - social media profiles
  • - commercial products such as coffee mugs, totes, t-shirts, etc. for commercial sale or for personal or business use
  • - prints
  • - reference photos for creating artwork
  • - and more!