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Rudolph Shine So Bright sc 2in1 scarf 30x250 & 28x230


Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer - SC & Mini c2c Bundles includes graphs with color block instructions

On Sale

Santa Claus is Coming to Town SC Bundle


Santa Cuddler-sc-mini-c2c


Santa is Coming-sc-scarf-31x260


Santa-SC Throw-180x240




Scaredy Cat Halloween Bundle-sc-4-patterns


Scooby Doo Wreath-sc-180x240


Silly Rabbit-sc-mini c2c-128-x146


Sleepy Santa-sc-180x240


Smoochable Cow Heartghan SC 180x200


Snoopy & Woodstock-sc 148x148


Snowpeeps SC 144x144 Lapghan - includes color block instructions


Sparkles In the Sky-SC Bundle-5 patterns
