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10 Easy steps to master Intermittent Fasting

If you’re interested in gibing intermittent fasting a try, continue watching.

Fasting have been used by may people to help in their journey of achieving a healthier lifestyle. Here are 10 steps that can help you get started.

First, understand the concept of intermittent fasting. It is an eating pattern that involves cycling between periods of eating and fasting. That means you will eat during specific windows of time and fast for the remaining period.

Second, decide which eating window works best for you. You can choose to eat between 8 am and 4 pm or 10 am to 6 pm. It really just depends on what fits your lifestyle best.

Third, Decide the type of intermittent fasting you'd like to do. There are many ways to practice intermittent fasting. You can try a 15-hour fasting and a 9-hour eating window, or an 18-hour fasting period with a 6-hour eating period. Just be sure to start with a method that works best for you so that you don’t become discouraged early on.

Fourth, stock up on healthy foods. It’s important to fill up your fridge and pantry with lots of healthy food choices like lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats. This will help ensure you have enough options to choose from when you start your intermittent fasting journey.

Fifth, make sure to stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day is an important part of any healthy diet plan and it definitely applies to one who is trying intermittent fasting. Water helps keep your body hydrated and helps flush out toxins, make sure you either have trace minerals and or magnesium chloride added.

Sixth, set realistic expectations for yourself. Intermittent fasting takes time and practice to adjust to so don’t expect overnight results. Give yourself some grace and patience as your body adjusts to this new way of eating.

Seventh, pay attention to your hunger cues. This will help you be mindful about when and how much you’re eating. Understand that it’s okay to be a little hungry but if you feel extremely hungry, then it’s time to eat.

Eighth, plan your meals ahead of time. This will help you stay on track and make sure you don’t overeat or give into cravings.

Ninth, be mindful of what you’re eating during your eating window. Focus on high-quality whole foods as much as possible and avoid processed foods as they don’t give your body the nutrients it needs.

Last but not least, don’t forget to focus on overall health during this process. Intermittent fasting is not just about weight loss but also about overall health and wellness. Incorporate physical activity into your routine and make sure you’re getting enough sleep every night as well.

Following these ten steps can help get you started on your intermittent fasting journey. It takes some practice but with dedication and perseverance you can see the long-term benefits this type of diet can have on your overall health and wellness.

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