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High Blood Pressure Hack!

High Blood Pressure Hack!


Your food intake can have a significant impact on blood pressure.

Increasing potassium intake have shown positive reduction and balance of blood pressure. Only if consumed from a food source and not a supplement.


Another great supplement that comes from the B-Complex Family is riboflavin as it does reduce blood pressure in hypertensive individuals with a certain genetic predisposition. And Nitrate Supplement, does the same, at a faster rate, and allows deficiency of micronutrient to fulfill missing gaps.


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High Blood Pressure is considered both a risk and a disease; as it’s a major factor for cardiovascular disease, increasing heart attack, stroke, heart failure, and atrial fibrillation. And I like to call it the silent killer, because it causes damage without almost any symptoms.


And most doctors are clueless about this subject, so they tend to prescribe you 1 or multiple drugs to reduce or stable, but they never really understand where it’s starting from. so you might be taking, ACE inhibitors, Receptor Blockers, Calcium Channel blockers, Diuretics, and others….


Here is a list of micronutrient deficiencies;

Calcium, and a good food source would be, sardines, and dairy


Magnesium, and a good food source would be nuts, green leafy vegetables, or supplement


Potassium, and a good food source would be avocado, Sweet Potato, Wild Salmon


Riboflavin, and a good food source would be Meat, Lamb, Liver, Eggs


Sodium Chloride, from Sea Salt, pork


Vitamin From Berries, Kiwifruit


Vitamin D, from Wild Salmon, Mackerel, Absorb as much sun as possible in the eyes and chest


Coenzyme Q10, from Beef Heart, Lamb, Mostly organs



But keep in mind, for these micronutrients to fulfill missing gaps, nitrate should be an ideal supplement to maintain and allow the healing process. In addition if you are looking for more valuable information, I have created a PDF ebook on how to lower and fix High Blood Pressure


Linus Pauling wants you to maintain your health with the following supplements I mentioned, Magnesium, Potassium, Calcium, Riboflavin, Sodium Chloride, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Coenzyme Q10, Nitric Oxide. #hypertension #highbloodpressuretreatment #highbloodpressure #highbloodpressurecauses #highbloodpressurecontrol #howtotreathighbloodpressure #treatmenthighbloodpressure #treatinghighbloodpressure #lowerhighbloodpressure #controlhighbloodpressure #howtoreducehighbloodpressure #howtolowerhighbloodpressure