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Triglycerides Reduce Naturally

Triglycerides Reduce Naturally


Are you suffering of high triglycerides concentration in the blood.

As high triglycerides are a major risk of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. And the Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, EPA and DHA from Wild Fish and the B Vitamin Niacin as Nicotinic Acid have potent triglyceride lowering effects.


Guys, if you know someone struggling with high triglycerides, please share this video and you can literally change someone’s life, in addition, I’ve listed numerous answers within my community on how to reduce Triglycerides naturally check it. in addition, continue watching to learn a bit more in depth


Our dietary fat intake at least 95% of it is in the form of triglycerides. Consist of Saturated, Trans, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and or in combinations.


The type of dietary fatty acids we consume has a major impact on cardiovascular health, high intake of saturated and trans fatty acids will only have a negative effect on blood cholesterol only if being oxidized, and 2; not utilizing it correctly for energy, due to over over consumption, and we’ve seen this hit mostly ketogenic lifestyles due to the high intake or fats and their bodies is not utilizing it correctly.


In this content I would add Niacin as nicotinic acid to assist in the reduction of triglycerides and prevent oxidization with omega 3, until you figure out what is your max intake daily without over consuming, this goes for Sugars/simple carbs intake as well. I listed a PDF on how to use Niacin and increase dose without any adverse side effects.


Linus Pauling, method to use Niacin at a therapeutic levels.

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