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Young Betty White Portrait (bw)


About Me

.Hello, I am Eileen Backman, and I am rediscovering my inner artist. I have spent my life in various professions -- preschool teacher, program director for a psychiatric treatment facility, fitness instructor and paralegal for my soulmate and love of my life, attorney husband. I am a proud mother of a 20 year old who is a sophomore at his University, and my recent empty nest is starting to be filled by my passion for art.

I have always loved drawing in pencil, but in recent years have discovered the joy of drawing and painting with ink, as well as watercolor, I am drawn to a variety of subject matter, and seem to move through "phases" where I focus on one subject area or one medium for a while, before I move on to something else. 

Recently I have started creating digit art -- mostly celebrity portraits and abstract designs. I love the freedom of being able to create art where ever me and my I-Pad Pro happen to be --- with no brushes to wash!

This shop is a place both to sell my original digital art, but also images of my traditional work. And each image is just $2!