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In the esoteric science, a strong negative force beyond your control is an impurity. An impurity is a vice. A vice is that therefore that living thing within your subconsciousness which you fail to control.

The vices inherit the natural instinct of self defense and of reproduction like any other being in the lower worlds. The vice is psychic living creature in your soul subtle bodies. In the same way a germ is a living thing in your physical body. For example: Jalousie is a psychic creature in your astral body, vanity is physic a creature in the mental body. All those vices within you, like Jalousie, anger, vanity feeds and protects themselves. Once a creature is alive, it fights for its survival and only dies with it has lost the fight, when it has lost all its energies. If you want to control the negative forces, these are the things you should first know.

Where do vices come from?

A vice is just a negative force which got stronger in the subconsciousness. So vices exist in our own subconsciousness. And they begin by being mostly reactive than active. They react to what you come in contact with, they react to what you see, hear, smell, touch. When you hear a persons call you names, one of your subconscious forces (the most developed) will react. If anger is the most developed (the most fed in you), anger will be the one to react towards the person who call you names. So understand that when you get angry against someone, it is actually a creature inside your subconsciousness which reacts, but not you as the higher self. All human being subconscious contains the same things. We all have the same subconscious creatures. But all those creatures in each of us are not equally alive, because some of us feed different creatures more than others. Mr X may be feeding more the subconscious creature "alcoholic" and Mr Y may be feeding more a different creature "Vanity". Our soul is become a playground of all sorts of creatures feeding one after the other in turn. The stronger they get, the more difficult it becomes to weaken them.

How vices are fed ?

Initially, what we call a vice is a tiny weak negative force sleeping in the subconsciousness. In the perfect person, all negative forces (the impurities) are so asleep that they can't react to anything. At this stage when they are sleeping, they are thin, they have no weight, so your soul is light, your soul has no weight for earth to attract. You are free to flight in the spiritual worlds. Nothing you can think or feel is negative. And none of your physical actions are inspired by negatively. This is called "a pure soul". You are psychically and physically pure. You are visited by spiritual beings and the positive spirits of nature. Your soul is so beautiful that all positive beings want to come by your side to protect that beauty. You are supported in all fields of life. Your words are gold, as invisible beings will rush to make your wish come true.

If you want to keep things beautiful that way, you must let sleeping dogs lie.

Do not awake those dogs. Don't awake those subconscious creatures within you. But unfortunately it is very easy to awake them. We normally don't awake them all at once, but one after the other. And some of those creatures when awake tend to awake other similar creatures. And so on. I'm giving you this advice assuming you are still a beginner. But later when you have gain some spiritual strength when you have more control. I will advise you to go and willingly wake hell and face it to get stronger than ever. That time should come sooner or later depending how fast you go on this.

A sleeping force of your subconsciousness is really like that fare asleep dog lying on the floor, sleeping because it is so hungry. When it hears some noise, it opens its eyes, rises his head, but because it is so tired, and without energy. In the same way Vanity for example is that sleeping hungry creature in your subconsciousness When this creature hears people's stupidity, it shortly produces a thought of vanity "I'm better than that" or "I have more than that" Or "I can do better than that" or "I know more than that". That's all. That only single thought came from your subconscious creature. Now if you willingly take that single thought and comment on it mentally, if you elaborate on it in your mind, you are making a big mistake, because that's how you are energizing that subconscious creature. That's how the vice fed, and that's how you fed it.

I've written a whole course on how to purify oneself spirituality. Should you be interested to learn more. You may enroll anytime here.

Thank you for reading.

Love and light to you

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