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Let's get a little deeper into the human psychic structure

Going from what most people know. Human = Body + Soul + Spirit

We should understand those parts of yours fit into each other like sugar in your cup of coffee. The sugar is invisible but it is there in the water. In the same way. Those invisible bodies are mixed up in each other. The more subtle one is melt into the less subtle one. Your spirit is the most the subtle, of them all, the finest, then comes the soul, then last and the least subtle is the body. So the spirit is melt into the soul, the soul melt into the body. Now the spirit and the soul, each contain 3 subtle bodies.

Your spirit is made of 3 subtle bodies

  • The Atmic body,
  • Buddhic body,
  • The causal body.

Your soul is made of 3 subtle bodies: 

  • The mental body
  • The astral body
  • The etheric body.

Your physical body is the only one alone. Just note that the etheric body is tightly attached to the physical body. In fact the physical body extends into the invisible body thanks to the etheric body.

[Image: 4EkpEAhdRlqTYHYGhALy]

About the Etheric body

It is through the etheric body that the physical body lives. If you extract the etheric body off the physical body for too long, the physical body dies. This etheric body is also called the energy body and this energy penetrates all areas of the physical body, deeply into all organs. All our organs require the presence of the etheric to be able to make communications between them and above all to make communication with the soul. It is therefore through the etheric body that the soul transfers its vibrations, its life. The bad emotions and desires you experience goes through the etheric body to the blood and organs. You will feel it sometimes, when you've been too anxious or afraid for a while, you start feeling some pains in certain areas of your physical body, your stomach, your chest...

Note this: The etheric energy of your etheric body has the magical virtue of curing. This energy can be increased, and diminished. When you have it a lot, you are energized, your organs work at their best, white cell blood fighting effectively against bacteria's. But when you no more, death is in the corner. When the physical body dies, this etheric body leaves you completely. There are also some witchcraft used by black magicians which drains this energies. So you may well be killed by witchcraft if such practice was used on you. But as a student in the spiritual path, you will learn certain practices like pranayama and sexual energy sublimation exercises (to name just those for now) which boost your etheric energy level to naturally fight against such drama witchcraft can cause.

The astral body

The astral body is more subtle than the etheric body, this is where feelings/emotions and desires are found, then transmitted to the brain through the etheric body. Feelings are not originated from the brain but from the astral body. This invisible body plays at great role in our lives on earth. Without it, we would be unable to feel any emotions. When someone dies, this body gets out of the physical body together with the rest of other bodies. And the left alone physical body can't feel and desire no more.

The mental body

This invisible body is even more subtle than the astral body. It is what does the thinking in us. All our thoughts (inner voices and mental images) come from the mental body and transmitted to our brain through the astral and etheric body. Here you may note that your lungs are tightly connected to your mental body, in a way that if you are troubled in the mind, your lungs may as well be troubled. Even the speed at which you think reflect on your breathing rhythm. This is why regulating your breathing can balance your thought process too.

The causal body

This is a subtle body of your spirit. This is like the mental body of your spirit. The intuition, the wisdom of the spirit comes from here.

The buddic body

An even more subtle than the causal body. This is like the astral body of the spirit. The spiritual love, the universal love, the altruism of the spirit comes from here.

The atmic body

The most subtle of the all your subtle bodies. This works like your etheric/physical body. The will to choose and act good comes from here. The power to say No to evil attractions.

Bodies Dependencies

It is important to know that all the soul subtle bodies depend on the spirit subtle bodies to evolve. But the spirit subtle bodies can do without the soul subtle bodies. The spirit bodies can exist without the help of the soul bodies. But the soul alone will die without the spirit. Because the soul only exist as an image of the spirit, it only depends on the spirit. But the spirit is not image of the soul, but rather an image of God, so its existence only depends on God existences. If ever God stopped to exist, our spirit would also vanish.

[Image: dYU9EoGtTM6GerzA2YsK]

The soul which tries to become independent of the spirit, suffers and get sick. Because yes, the soul also gets sick. It gets vices, which we may compare to virus and bacteria. When this last long, the soul dies. Soul's death is what we commonly call the spiritual death. Because when we've neglected to connect to the spirit for centuries, we become spiritually dead. It should now become clear to you that the whole point of a spiritual life is about getting our soul closer to the spirit.

Each subtle body of our soul depends on the subtle body of the spirit.

  • The physical/Etheric body depends on the Atmic body.
  • The astral body depends on the buddic body
  • The mental body depends on the causal body.

It becomes urgent to work on your soul, to educate it to look at your spirit as a role model more often. So it may become beautiful and more spirit like.

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