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Light, this is the kind of word we would like to hear and read in spiritual texts, or from spiritual people. That word can come from the mouth of a pastor, a priest, a prophet, or even from an astral entity. But let me ask you this "can any sort of light show all the beauty and ugly things of the universe?". In this post I intent to display the negative sides of what at first view appears spiritual. This post might be shocking for some sensitive people, so if you are one of those who can't see things from different points of view, best would be to not read what follows.

The light and the truth?

Light shows us the truth. The truth as in "the way things are, excluding all judgments". Light can show the positive and the negative. Light doesn't exclude the dirt or the ugliness. In that sense, the truth can be seen as good or bad or both (good and bad). The truth can make you happy or it can hurt you. But it only hurts those who are not ready to see it. And everybody do not react to light in the same way.

So the cosmic intelligence has made things in such a way that we don't have to see the light which we can't handle. However should you be ready to see a truth, that would mean you got enough light to see it. Ok, I may sound too philosophical about it. But a simple example is what you see between a nice loving couple; see how lies and trues are carefully used to keep things going . If one shows the truth when he/she shouldn't have the other partner fires up, somebody gets hurt. Smile.

One can use the truth to hurt and mislead people (but I'll get back that point later in this post). Also the very reason why we can't see the absolute truth: GOD, is because we are not fit for that. The esoteric tradition says that most beings would simply melt for too much light and disappear if they happened to see the highest form of God face to face. However few beings in the invisible worlds are built to see the absolute truth. Those are not human beings nor angels, but spiritual beings very far in vibrations which almost matches the highest vibrations in the manifested universe. Kabbalah studies calls those beings seraphim's. They are built to handle that kind of light. So there is a whole hierarchy of beings at different levels to bear different degrees of light.

When the morning comes, the sun lightness everything, beauty and ugly is now visible. But light doesn't say what is beauty and what is ugliness. It simply shows them all to us. Light shows everything, the wrong path and the good path. Those 2 things (wrong and right) which light can show us is the truth. The ability to know what is right or wrong comes from our discernment; Which is related to our spirit. The more we get closer to our higher self or spirit (or our center if you want), the more we can discern. The more we get away from our spirit, the more we loose discernment ( Eg: animals, plants, minerals).

If something can be approved by light, it is true.

Someone says "The sky is blue", is this true or false (lie). True, isn't it? And another says "Money helps you get any material thing. And you will enjoy it, as it will give you a better condition of living on earth", is this a truth or a lie. Well, let's admit it, it is a truth. As you can see, the truth has nothing to do with bad or goodIt is absolutely neutral in that sense. And people don't deny the truth. Because by nature the truth nods your head . And it doesn't leave any doubt so you won't feel the need to cogitate any more. Generally when people keep discussing about something, it is because they haven't truly find the complete truth. Something isn't quite clear yet. And light is the main factor here. Too little light doesn't help to see the truth as clearly as possible.

Like I said above, there are different types of lights. One which makes physical things visible, another which makes the spiritual things visible. Because invisible things like love, generosity, God, souls, energies, can be perceived in the mind in the form of images, or as a meaning. The physical light which comes from the physical sun helps to see visible things of this world. But the invisible light which comes from the invisible sun (the cosmic intelligence) helps to see things of the soul. In our inner world, the truth is the meaning of things, the schema of how something works. It is made of no material things. It is a principle. In the inner world, the truth has no forms. Also notice that we base our life on invisible truths (meanings and principles). For example, we've observed lots of principles in nature and their benefits, based on that observation, we do our best to live by those principles for our own profit.

Truths made visible by the Divine light defines the actions, not the subjects.

The spiritual principles are some sorts of mathematical rules. "If this is done, then that happens...." sorts of rules. The actions are defined, but the subjects (the objects), the place and time are not defined.

For instance It is a principle of the universe that something must be a representation of God in any giving area of life in the universe. But the principle doesn't say in what, in who, where and when that is meant to happen. But should you be worthy, you should represent God now in your area.

Reason why, it was never said in ancient holy scripts that the Buddha would come into the body of Master Gottama, or that the Christ would come into the body of Jesus. No. It was simply said that the son of God will come (the messiah). And anytime some human being somewhere meets the requirements of a son of God, of the Christ, of the Buddha, the Krishna (or whatever you call it), that son of god would come in him/her.

And so the higher truth is simply the schema, a sort of geometric design, a pattern, a rule which all materials things follow. It has been observed for example that the atoms in a molecule turn around a center of energy. That structure is found everywhere, in our cells, and even in the space where planets turn around the sun in the solar system. The molecule and the solar system are sharing the same pattern , that same schema, but made of different matters, that is a spiritual truth.

And as you can see, this spiritual principle only mean that a group of things of the same kind should turn around a center, so you will find this truth everywhere a group of identical things are. Among humans, you will notice that they turn around a center, which can be a president, a priest, a pop, a master. Or in a family where the father and mother are the center of children. etc. Even the evil worlds follow those patterns. That means, demons of the same kinds gather around a center. And also those centers turn around other centers down to where all big negative centers turn around their greatest negative center commonly referred to as "Lucifer".

Lucifer is also a kind of light

Lucifer word was borrowed from Latin to mean "The morning star", usually associated to planet Venus. Since Venus can become visible and bright at dawn. The morning star term was found in the ancient myths to represent a lesser god called Helel who once tried to dethrone the high God EL who lived in the mountain. But didn't succeed, so he descended on exile to rule the underworlds. I guess you can google about that myth if you are interested to know where this lucifer affair started.

Myths are not some funny stories without meaning. Myths were the symbolic way of conveying occult truths. It is based of the knowledge of symbols. Our elders found out that nothing is isolated. Everything is a copy of something bigger. Knowing the truth that a human being for example is a small version of the universe, I could then for example talk about a human being by using words like planets, stars, galaxies because all truths we can find about those planets relate and explains further about a human being.

It was found out that the truth about the falling angel (commonly called Lucifer) down to the lower worlds is a cosmic event, which we can find in many galactic system in the universe. In the solar system for example, planet Venus is what tries to rise high in the sky in the morning (Lucifer), but quickly gets faded out by the rising sun (GOD). And the same event also happens in our mind: When the intellect thinks that it knows better than wisdom, it attempts to rise high (Lucifer), but wisdom always rules( Wisdom here = God) in the end. If you know how to observe life, you will find this truth almost everywhere: in the ocean, among plants, minerals, insects...

The ancients had the key of associations. They saw in the sky that planets represented gods of the invisible world. And yes, each planet in the space (in our solar system and everywhere else) is a presentation of a god. If a religion or an organization has a planet as a symbol, it should be normal to ask ourselves the question, which god does that planet refers to?

In the Christian tradition for example, Lucifer has become a word to mean "Devil" or "Satan". Well, even if that is not really accurate, we can agree on one thing. That all those names invoke an evil energy. Lucifer although negative, is also a light. The Christian tradition says that it used to be a bright entity, the brightest in the kingdom of heaven before It was chased from heaven. When such a light came down in the lower worlds, everything in those worlds starting turning around it. It has become a center around where, many other similar energies (demons) turn around. This light can shine for some time during the day but it doesn't take long. This light is manifested in our world as an intelligence which makes clever decisions, and which knows how to cheat and mislead.

Did you think that Lucifer is dark and ugly? No, believe it or not, it is a bright star. And it is always believing it can equal the sun brightness (which it will obviously never do). And like any bright thing, it is attractive and beautiful. That is why we are tempted to go to it.

Lucifer plays a role in the universe, Just like everything else. Nothing exist which is useless. Lucifer exist to help the distinction between intelligence and wisdom. And we human beings have a different role to play in the universe. And it is definitely not to help Lucifer or to encourage it. We as consciousness came down to the lower worlds almost among the last beings (after stones, plants and animals) to use the existing forces (positive and negative forces), to master them, to rule them, to better them and to return where we came from (God). So the best we can do is to mind our own business. Like master Jesus said (if he ever historically existed) " Follow me, and let the dead bury their own dead". This Lucifer light is actively deceiving, because it knows how to use truths to its advantages. You will find it everywhere, in religion, politics, science etc.

Demons close to the so called "lucifer"

Demons close to Lucifer know how to talk to humans. They first see our weaknesses and then present the right truths, so we can accept. And slowly lead us to do what exactly they wish. Did you maybe think that they lie to us? If they did, nobody would be falling into their trap by now. They use the truth in such a way to deceive us. But they won't tell you lies. Especially not at this time of evolution, when light is more and more present in people mind.

Our time is the most challenging phase of attack for them. So they have started reveling the esoteric truth to us, but keeping as a purpose to mislead people in the end. If you thought that demons don't know the spiritual laws, the esoteric science, medicine, politics..., you are mistaken.

They have the knowledge and they know how to use it against us. Also they are not only focused on our planet, but in many other planets out there too. In some areas in the space they are frozen, in some others they are very active. But they are out there too, as they always work close to where a source of light is.

What I am saying is also true in our inner world (within us, in your thoughts and feelings). Haven't you noticed? When you are not actively living a spiritual life, you are not so much tempted to wrong things. But very soon after you start living an intense spiritual life, you are tempted, you feel like someone is trying to hold you back. That's because you are somewhere near the light, and negative forces are just behind as a close shadow of everything you do.

The light of esoteric schools.

You will notice many ancient mystic schools coming out in the light nowadays. That's good, that means more truths are being revealed, but always be in your guards when lights come from a source you don't know about. Many ancients schools have been corrupted by the evil light through time and space. They reveal the truth, Hoo yes they don't hide it anymore. They give the truth as it is, so you won't deny it. The more they will give the truth, the more you will trust them. But they are intelligent enough to mislead in the end.

In my early years in the spiritual path, I joined an esoteric school of light. Which I don't see the necessary of writing the name. I joined thinking the school was right for me, since I was looking for light. Smile. It wasn't long before I realize from elder members experiences, that the end result wasn't Divine. I left the school but it wasn't because they gave me lies. No. I've checked their esoteric, mystic lessons were truths. You just can't deny the truth when you see one. But the school objective wasn't what I expected. The truth was revealed, but the application was wrongly done. They used the wrong matter to apply the truths. For example, it is true that everything must turn around a center. But it doesn't mean we should turn around an evil center. The Lucifer light is very intellect based. It makes sure that you become worse in the heart and strong in the head. And that's the trap.

The thing is, even if you know much, all the sciences, all the truths, but if you keep an evil heart, you will only end up using your knowledge to help your evil heart wishes. The right esoteric school doesn't worry about physical rewards (like degrees or certificates) for your inner development. In the school of Lucifer kind of light, students happen to feel superior and pride of those rewards. They feel like they belong to a much greater order of human beings, they feel like the super beings. This is just ridiculous Smile . Your spiritual development should be nobody's business. This is between you and God. When you live a spiritual life to impress humans, you won't go far in vibrations. As you end up increasing a negative force of pride in you. Instead, live to impress the spiritual world and its beings. That is what will take you far in spiritual vibrations, and leaves very little dust (dust = pride) in the world.


People should understand that it takes great intelligence to mislead someone. So be careful even when you think you can't be deceived. Today's lies are found in between truths. If for example, I don't want you to go on the left. I can give you truths about the right. You will see the truth then you won't resist to go to the right as I indented.

Be careful when receiving light from others, as that light can be compared to the light of a candle. What you truly need to see clearly, is not any light which is trying to equal the sun light, but the actual sun light itself. And do not neglect your heart, let it develop along side with your mind, No truths in the intellect can help when your heart is full of hatred, because you would still murder despite all the truths you know.

Finally, the physical world should be last to know about your spiritual life, while the spiritual world should be first to know about it.

Love and light

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