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If you grew up in Africa or have lived in some of the African countries enough time to understand the traditions, you would notice that there are some common understanding around the question of witchcraft shared across the continent. And in this topic I'd like to address some of those questions . We may learn from it as knowledge helps us improve and protect our spiritual life. 

I'm African, I learn from the African traditions, their internal initiations, although I also learn from all other condiments, Europe, south America and especially Asia. I first completed my esoteric initiations in an arcane school of Greece where I learned the basics which are common in most esoteric schools like the AMORC of Rosicrucian and the freemasonry. And from all that something has become clear to me. There are missing information or I would say, many unexplained facts in the formal official esoteric schools and books of today, as many of what I've learned in the African traditions are still not all yet explained and verified. 

Witchcraft as understood in Africa may lead to wonder if it's mostly myths or if it's truly real. Most of what I fail to understand till today, I still call it myths. But it's just a matter of time until someone figures it out in any future. 

The word witchcraft may not seem that big of a deal when spoken out of Africa, because those who have gone through occident initiation schools know that it's not always related to something bad. However in Africa, that word has a very bad connotation. If you are called a witch in Africa, you are worse that a criminal, you are public enemy and deserve to die. Of course witches are not killed everyday in Africa but many have been beaten to death and in many cases in public. Some innocent old man and women also have been killed for they were believed to be witches. In many countries around the central of Africa, when a young man is dead, friends of the dead are likely to cause trouble at the funerals when they have suspicions that their young friend was victims of witchcraft. 

Many people are therefore seen to be witch, because, indeed witchcraft is very popular, and is routed in traditions. It's almost as if there is a witch in each family . If it's not the father, then it's the uncle... and the older you are, the more you are likely seen as the witch if anything wrong is happening in the family. So poor grandfathers and grandmothers . 

Witchcraft is become a silent mean of addressing conflicts among family members. This is so because as African's we constantly witness the results of it and so more and more people take this approach when they can't physically fight you. Even when they can't perform any witchcraft actions themselves, they would pay for witchcraft service. 

Witchcraft is many things in Africa. Mostly a mean to do harm. Though it hasn't has to be that way, but the world is filled with so much hate, people take advantage of this practical mystical knowledge to do run their own justice court in the dark. witchcraft is used to end the life of others, to make people sick, to make people's professional life or studies life difficult.  

Someone who is witch is believed to be someone who "flies at night" during sleep and go cause harm those he/she hates. Each area in the city seems to have a chief of witches, and many witches of the area regroup at night during sleep to discuss witchcraft matters, to discuss who deserves who to die, who deserves to suffer in which family. During those night meetings, many children and young people are also used as mercenaries. These poor kids are often not conscious of what they do, as they mostly do it unconsciously, if not because they got initiated into witchcraft from very young ages by a parent. And so witchcraft night meetings are pretty organized and continues for centuries. 

Not all in Africa understand how it works and there are no documents arounds it to explain everything that happens around. Even the witches themselves sometimes struggle to explain all the things are able to do, because for them it's a gift given by the elder. You eat, drink a certain food, say certain words, follow a certain ritual then boom you belong to the group and are able to "fly at night" and then randomly discover new possibilities as time goes, and the more you do harm. 

In many occasions, we've witnessed very old women and old men stuck at a high roof of a house, looking for a way to get to the ground. And the public can't help but wonder how is it possible to get to the high roof of a house without using any ladders. Sometimes they are seen all naked looking for a way to get down from there, as if they got dropped over that roof magically. 

Because many witches do not fully control their abilities, it has become a curse. And thanks to their multiple mistakes, people have form certain theories of what they possibly do during the night. Moreover, many kids who are used as mercenaries at night happen to sometimes explain to their parents or to the public about their night routine. 

I'm fortunate to speak to different witches of Africa to try and understand it better. Not so that I can become a witch myself, because I'm surely already a witch on the only fact that I can travel their world at will and see them, but it's about knowing more about it to see how we can use the knowledge to protect ourselves against certain malicious attacks.

And so the witch (the conscious or unconscious witch) flies at night during sleep, and meet their chief witch, who orders them for a mission. Or sometimes they fly regroup with other witches just for a party. A party where the chief transform a victim dead body into any eatable animal and everyone eats. This cannibalism is believed to increase your witch abilities, and the witch ranking within the group. 

It appears to be a long process before they get to consume the dead person, as the victim "shadow" needs to be trapped first. This first step makes the victim weak in real life and easy to be killed by any small physical life situation, car accident, stress, anxieties, diabetes, and sometimes even a sudden fall on the floor can lead to death. In some other cases, the impatient witch may run some spells to facilitate the dead the victim. Once the victim is physically declared dead at the hospital, the shadow of the victim can be used to revive the dead double body, this latter is transformed and consumed/eaten. 

Another interesting case, yet disturbing, is the possibility for the witch to bring back the dead person forth to the physical world again after he/she has been already burred. The witch manages to do this by returning the trapped shadow to the dead body. They obviously perform this ritual after the funerals. They return the graveyard the night or few nights after the burial. The ritual is about bringing forth the double of the dead the person at the grave and reviving it thanks to the shadow. This become a new body visible to the naked physical eyes, but it's more like a shell, which the witch will consume/eat or use. Hence it's common in Africa to meet someone who was dead a very long time ago. Usually seen in different cities of the country. 

Now let's pause a little and review.

What the public call "fly at night" is known in esoteric schools as "astral travel". It's astral projection related but not quiet. As these withes don't use the astral world per say, but rather the "Etheric plane" which can be seen as a middle plane in between the physical and the astral plane.

What they call shadow is in fact the "Etheric energy". Everyone has an etheric energy which powers the etheric body and therefore the physical body. The lack of etheric energy may cause damages to the physical body. In other words, the physical body may not survive long without enough etheric energies. So the evil witch starts by withdrawing your etheric energy until you are weak enough for an easy death. 

The etheric body is what the witch may get hold of and transform into any animal to consume as food if they so want. Or they will return the shadow/etheric energy back into the etheric body of the dead person to construct a living body which then is used for missions in the physical plan even during the day across the city.

Hope this first part of the thread was informative enough. Until we meet for the part 2 of this post. I wish you a good end of year festivals and stay safe :) . 

Love and light to you

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